Welcome new business Randy's Donuts!

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce was very pleased to be part of the grnad opening for new member Randy's Donuts on South Lake Avenue.

The new location doesn’t have a 32-foot doughnut on its roof, like the original stand in Inglewood. But it did have lots of raised glazed doughnuts to give out to customers between 6 a.m. and noon on opening day.

Your voice matters-take the BizFed Pulse Poll

LA County BizFed’s 2020 Pulse Poll is Live!

Given our new reality as we navigate through COVID-19, it is now more important than ever that BizFed hears from YOU

Business concerns that kept you up at night 6 or 12 months ago are not the same today - help guide BizFed’s Advocacy for the next 12 months.

National Small Business Week to Kick-off September 22-24

Jovita Carranza, Administrator of the U.S.

COVID-19 Update for August 31, 2020-Governor revamps rules…

Governor Newsom on Friday announced new criterion for reopening businesses, schools and more in California.

Esssentially, the Governor has imposed similar regualtions across the state with reopening based solely on the number of reported cases. 

The criteria for each tier will be uniform for all 58 counties in California, and the vast majority of counties — including all Southern California counties except San Diego — will begin in the first tier. 

LA County Board of Supervisors considers instituting…

The LA County Board of Supervisors is looking for additional ways to add new burdens to small businesses. 

The board is considering forcing businesses to create "public health councils" composed of employees at their places of work.

COVID-19 Information for August 24, 2020-News, information…

Update your business listing in our Pasadena Chamber…

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association constantly works on updating and adding new categories in our direcdtories to better serve our members.  We recently added new categories and want to be sure you are listed correctly.

Join us for our Virtual Connection Breakfast Wednesday,…

New Pasadena Chamber member PopID no-contact facial recognition point-of-sale system, temperature-taking technology and more sponsors our networking Connection Breakfast on Wednesday August 19th at 8am. Learn how you can protect your workers and customers by utilizing a facial recognition payment system and the other items offered by PopID.

Coronavirus update for August 17, 2020-news, resources,…

City of Pasadena officials announced 128 new cases of Corovnavirus last week, about 20 new local cases of the Coronavirus each day. More than half of the City's cases were people under 40 years old. No new deaths were reported as the city’s case count continued to move towards 2,000. So far there have been 1,956 cases and 106 deaths.

Pasadena Police Department community report for July, 2020

This information provides a greater awareness to the Pasadena community. The critical events detailed below are merely a snapshot of the calls received to the Police Communications Center every day.

Fill out the census. Encourage your employees to do it, too…

As you may have heard, the deadline to respond to Census has been moved up!   US Census Bureau has changed the final date to be counted from October 31, 2020 to September 30, 2020.   Currently, the City of Pasadena is at 65.5%, which is about 6% below the City’s 2010 self-response rate.   The City needs everyone to really push out messaging on census in the coming weeks.