Fill out the census. Encourage your employees to do it, too. Deadline has been moved up.

As you may have heard, the deadline to respond to Census has been moved up!   US Census Bureau has changed the final date to be counted from October 31, 2020 to September 30, 2020.   Currently, the City of Pasadena is at 65.5%, which is about 6% below the City’s 2010 self-response rate.   The City needs everyone to really push out messaging on census in the coming weeks. 

The U.S. Census Bureau announced that September 30, 2020, is the new deadline to respond to the 2020 Census, which is a month sooner than previously planned. What this means: A shortened window for census participation drastically increases the risk of fewer L.A. County residents being counted.  Therefore, we must step up and make every effort possible to urge all residents to respond to the census before it is too late. 

Chalkathon flyer
Census Flyer








The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) is hosting a three-week Census Chalkathon to help Get-out-the-Count for the 2020 Census. The Chalkathon will start on Monday, August 17 and will conclude on Monday, September 7. We are encouraging students and community members in the county to chalk on their own and post their art on social media with the hashtags #LACCensusChalkathon and #CaStudentsCount.
One of the key components of the Chalkathon is to feature our community’s amazing local artists as they create their unique 2020 Census inspired artwork on sidewalks in local neighborhoods, businesses and other public spaces throughout the event dates. Help make a difference in your community!

How to Participate

Interested artist are encouraged to submit the following information to

• Contact information: Name (include preferred gender pronoun), email, phone, and city in LA County
• Social media site(s) and website link (if available) that show any previous artwork
• Bio: short version; just tells us a little bit about you (a few sentences to a paragraph)
o We may ask for a longer bio version and a photo from selected artists
• Provide a very-rough sketch or describe a potential art concept for your piece
o Do not spend a long-time on this part, just give a potential idea of what you may create
• Share with us how you learned about this opportunity and if you were referred
• If you have access to a public location for your artwork, please share that information as well
Artist will be reviewed as submissions are received. Don’t delay! Questions can be directed to LACOE’s Program Specialist, Esmeralda X. Flores at or by phone at (562) 774-6991.