Pasadena Water and Power is looking for local Pasadena…

Pasadena Water & Power, Water Division is seeking local contractors to work on projects at the facilities owned and operated by the utility.  The projects are generally in these trades:

            Concrete – pads and small retaining wall

            Roofing – all types

            Painting – Interior and exterior, variety of surfaces

            Electrical – Minor electric repairs and modifications

Please fill out the census and encourage your employees to…

Dear Pasadena Resident:

Memorial Day- a lot to remember

Today is Memorial Day. We have a lot to be thankful for and a lot of people to remember and thank.

COVID-19 info for May 25, 2020

As of Thursday, May 21st, the world has seen 5,047, 377 cases of Covid-19 with 329,816 deaths. In the US we have seen 1,562,714 cases with 93, 863 deaths. In California, we have experienced 88, 10-7 cases with 3,592 deaths. LA County has seen 42, 037 cases with 2, 016 fatalities. In Pasadena we have had 79 fatalities with 790 cases. The predominace of infections in Pasadena occurred in senior living or senior care facilities.

SBA and Treasury release PPP loan forgiveness (payback) form

From the SBA:

The Small Business Administration (SBA), in consultation with the Department of the Treasury, released the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Application and detailed instructions for the application.

Fill out the census - now is the time!

From Mark Jomsky, Pasadena City Clerk:

Dear Pasadena Residents, 

COVID-19 Update for May 18, 2020

The Economic Development and Technology Committee of the Pasadena City Council is set to discuss funding and distribution of city funds to support local small businesses.

COVID-19 Update for May 11, 2020

As fast-moving developments affect the reopening of some local businesses the City of Pasadena released guidelines in a Thursday night email.

“Our goal is to disseminate accurate public health information, offer recommendations to prepare for and slow the spread of the virus, and provide links to resources for additional information,” the statement read.

A city official said Friday morning the list of businesses which may reopen now includes:

Congressman Adam Schiff will update the business…

You are invited to a Zoom meeting with Congressman Adam Schiff and the business communities of Glendale and Pasadena. Congressman Schiff will make a brief presentation and answer questions from those on the Zoom call.

When: May 15, 2020 01:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

Pasadena Police Department Community Incident Report for…

The Pasadena Police Department reports critical incidents that hapened each month.

Here is April's report:

Pasadena Chamber Socially Distanced Mixer May 14, 2020, at…

You are invited to a Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Socialy Distanced Mixer. When: May 14, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 

Pasadena Chamber Virtual Happy Hour May 14th at 4:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada). You must register in advance for this meeting: