The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce acts as a facilitator for those wishing to employ young people or to host youth interns.
We work with several community-based youth service providers to help young people find employment and internship opportunities.
The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce provides a Certificate of Completion to those who have successfully completed one of our partner agencies' employment readiness programs. This certificate attests that the person named has completed an approved work readiness program, understands the expectations of employers and knows workplace ettiquette, appropriate dress and decorum for the workplace and has basic skills necessary to be effective in the workplace.
You can download the Workforce Readiness criteria here: false
Hosting an intern is rewarding for all involved. Students gain valuable, real world experience and learn about careers and the world of work. Host companies gain an energetic, eager student worker who can bring new and valuable insights to your business and be a great temporary addition to your workforce.
Download the Chamber internship brochure here: falsefalsefalse
If you would like more information or would like to host an intern, be a job shadow site, be a classroom speaker or student busniess mentor, please visit
You can also contact one of our community partners.
Our partners are:
- Ideal Youth summer youth internships,, 626-796-7164, ext. 16,
- Foothill Workforce Investment Board summer youth employment and foster youth employment,, Sarah Mendoza Jaime, 626.584.8383,
- City of Pasadena Ambassador Youth Program, Lola Osborne 626.744.4791, losborne
- City of Pasadena Human Services and Recreation summer youth employment in parks, pools and more 626-744-4724
- City of Pasadena Summer Rose Program summer youth employment 626-744-6530
- Pasadena Unified School District College and Career Pathways PUSD career academies 626-396-3600, ext. 88423,
- Day One work readiness and internship training 626-229-9750
We also collaborate in our efforts with the Flintridge Center in Pasadena.