Grant Opportunity for Small Businesses


$25,000 Grants for Your Small Business: In partnership with GEN, the Small Business Growth Fund provides the capital high-growth small business owners need to make their next big move. Each recipient will receive a $25,000 grant, provided by Mastercard, to accelerate their growth and achieve their goals in 2023.

Eligible businesses must:

COVID-19 Update for November 14, 2022-Cases, the Economy…

Cases: From the Associated press: The head of the World Health Organization on Wednesday said the number of recent COVID-19 deaths has dropped nearly 90% globally compared with nine months ago, a “cause for optimism” even as new coronavirus variants demand continued vigilance against the pandemic.

Advice from the New York Times on How to Approach the…

From Jonathan Wolfe:

There was a brief moment this fall, when Covid-19 cases were low and we hadn’t yet heard the word “tripledemic,” that I thought we might have something close to a normal holiday season, for the first time in years. But the last few weeks have changed the picture.

Election Day is Passed-What We Know and What We Do Not

Here are election results. Please be aware some races may be too close to call at this point (see below),

Propositions on the Ballot:


Prop 1: California Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment- Passed (Pasadena Chamber Board too no position)

    Prop 1 guarantees both the right to contraception and the right to an abortion.

The Chamber Networking Breakfast November 10th is the…

Promote your business and make important connections and contacts at the Chamber networking lunch and breakfast.

COVID 19 (and more) Update for November 7, 2022-Cases, RSV…

Cases: After months of decline, Los Angeles County health officials have reported a sharp increase in the average daily number of new COVID-19 infections, again raising concerns about an impending winter spike in cases.

This Veterans Day Celebrate the People Who Served

Friday November 11th is Veterans Day.

The Pasadena's Veterans Day Committee hosts a commemoration on the steps of City Hall (100 North Garfield Avenue in Pasadena) beginning at 10:30am.

This is always a very nice ceremony honoring our veterans.

Join us for Lunch at Brookside Golf Club and Promote Your…

Promote your business and make important connections and contacts at the Chamber networking lunch. It is also FUN!

The Pasadena Chamber networking lunch and breakfast have been drawing Chamber members and others since we restarted in February. We want to continue these events as they are valuable opportunities for our members and other business people to get together to promote your business, expand your contacts, find and visit with friends and find new customers. 

COVID-19 Update for October 31, 2022-Cases, the Economy and…

Cases: The Pasadena Public Health Department reported 20 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, October 27th and no new fatalities. 99.9% of Pasadena residents have had at least one vaccination. 93.3% are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. LA County reported 1,187 new cases and 13 deaths from COVID-19 on October 27th. 390 people are hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 in the county. 15,964 new cases were reported in California on Thursday and 148 deaths.

Member Pareto Labs Offers FREE Trial of Online Business…

pareto labs logo





Scammers trying to take advantage of me by posing as... ME…

I received three emails yesterday (Thursday) with this heading: EFT Remittance Advice for - October 27,2022

They each had an htm file to click on. (I did not click.)

Each was addressed to me and came from my email address. Hmmmm.

If you get something similar, especially an unsolicited email from yourself, do not click.