Hi Fellow Pasadena Chamber Member,

Interested in learning how to streamline your business' finances and increase productivity? Join Zoho experts for their free educational seminar in Los Angeles on July 25th to learn how you can optimize your business' finances with tips and tricks for bettering work processes and integrating financial management. This interactive learning opportunity will cover basics and best practices for managing your business' finances online and show you how to automate with software so that you can limit the low-value work that's taking up all your time. Not to mention they'll throw in a free breakfast and lunch!

Register now.

This is a great opportunity to learn how you can efficiently manage everything from accounting and expenses to inventory, subscriptions, and every other fiscal aspect of business. They'll discuss how you can streamline everything from expense policies and analytics to approval workflows, invoicing, matching payments, and more. Let us know if you have any questions. Hope to see you there! 


Tyler Bussani
