Take the BizFed Issues and Concerns Poll-Help develop advocacy positions for our regional business association

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BizFed's biggest annual data project is LIVE – and we're asking you (and your members) to participate in the intel-gathering portion of our 2022 Pulse Poll. From now until early May, we'll be gathering insight from all business community voices. Speak up so your organization, your sector, and the role you play in growing the economy isn't overlooked.

It's crucial that you weigh in because these poll responses will help shape our policy priorities and advocacy work for the coming year.

This is how we take the pulse of the broad business community – the beating heart of our regional economy – to diagnose critical issues hindering the growth of business in Los Angeles County. Now more than ever, with a packed election season upon us and new leaders taking the reins soon, a full check-up is essential. 

Data will strengthen our case when we
take our issues to policymakers.

Click the link below to complete our 40-question poll.
We urge you to share this link with your members and associates.