We're in the Red Tier-What Does That Mean?

As of Monday, March 15, 12:01 AM, the following activities will be permitted to occur in strict adherence with the updated Pasadena Public Health Department (PPHD) protocols:

Protocols are being revised as an ongoing process. here are the first protocols to be updated and posted to the website:-       Hotels and Short-Term Lodging, -  Museums and GalleriesHair Salons - Restaurants and Breweries - Personal Care

Here are the general rules:

Gyms, Fitness Facilities, Yoga and Dance Studios
·       Gyms, fitness facilities, yoga and dance studios should operate outdoors as much as possible, and may open indoors at 10% capacity.
·       Masks must be worn by everyone at all times. If wearing a mask is unsafe for an individual while exercising, that person should refrain from exercising indoors at a gym at this time.
·       Indoor locker rooms and showers must remain closed, unless partitions are in place to ensure physical distancing, and signs have been posted to specify physical distancing requirements.
·       Indoor saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs must remain closed. Indoor pools may only open for one-on-one drowning prevention instruction in accordance with PPHD protocols
Hair Salons and Barbershops
·       Hair salons and barbershops should operate outdoors as much as possible, and may operate indoors with physical distancing and in accordance with PPHD protocols.

Hotels and Other Lodging Facilities
·       Hotels and lodging facilities must operate in accordance with PPHD protocols, including the new orders and updated protocols for restaurants, pools, and fitness facilities where applicable.
·       The state’s travel advisory is still in place, such that travelers from out of state should quarantine for 10 days.
Institutes of Higher Education
·       In-person classes should be conducted outdoors as much as possible, and indoor instruction may occur at 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer.
·       On-site dining should be conducted outdoors as much as possible, and may operate indoors in accordance with restaurant protocols.
·       Residential housing is still not permitted, except as specified in the PPHD protocol.
Movie Theaters
·       Movie theaters may operate indoors at 25% capacity, or up to 100 people, per auditorium, whichever is fewer, in accordance with PPHD protocols.
·       Reserved seating is required and each group must be seated at least 6 feet of distance in all directions from other groups.
Museums and Galleries
·       Museums and galleries can open indoors at 25% capacity in accordance with PPHD protocols
Personal Care Services
·       Personal care services should be provided outdoors as much as possible, and may be provided indoors with physical distancing and in accordance with PPHD protocols.
·       Masks should be worn by all parties at all times to the greatest extent possible.
·       Outdoor pools should continue to operate in accordance with PPHD protocols.
·       Indoor pools must remain closed except for one-on-one drowning prevention instruction, in accordance with PPHD protocols.
Restaurants, Breweries, and Bars that Serve a Bona-Fide Meal
·       Onsite dining at restaurants and bars should remain outdoors as much as possible, and may operate indoors at a maximum of 25% capacity or up to 100 people, whichever is fewer, and in accordance with PPHD protocols.
·       Parties are limited to 6 people or fewer, with the strong recommendation of a single household per party/table if dining indoors.
·       Prior to reopening for indoor dining, the HVAC system must be in good working order and evaluated to ensure ventilation has been increased to the maximum extent possible.
·       PPHD strongly recommends restaurant employees interacting with customers indoors are provided with additional masking protection above the currently required face shield over face mask, such as a fit-tested N95, a KN95, our double masks.
·       All employees must be informed by the restaurant operator about and offered opportunities to be vaccinated.
·       Retail establishments (except stand-alone grocery stores) can operate indoors at 50% capacity.
·       Stand-alone grocery stores should operate at a reduced capacity if necessary to allow physical distancing.
·       Swap meets, as defined can operate outdoors at 50% capacity.
·       Schools may apply to the CA Department of Public Health and PPHD simultaneously to open grades 7-12.
·       Schools must complete the form at the schools web portal and all requirements fulfilled prior to opening.
Private Gatherings
·       Private gatherings can occur indoors with up to 3 households (15 people maximum) with face masks and physical distancing of 6 feet or more required at all times.