COVID-19 Update for May 11, 2020

As fast-moving developments affect the reopening of some local businesses the City of Pasadena released guidelines in a Thursday night email.

“Our goal is to disseminate accurate public health information, offer recommendations to prepare for and slow the spread of the virus, and provide links to resources for additional information,” the statement read.

A city official said Friday morning the list of businesses which may reopen now includes:

  • Bookstores
  • Jewelry stores
  • Toy stores
  • Clothing stores
  • Shoe stores
  • Home and furnishing stores
  • Sporting goods stores
  • Antique stores
  • Music stores
  • Florists


City Guidance for Pasadena Businesses In Regards to Curbside Pick-up

As non-essential businesses identified in the revised health order prepare for a phased re-opening for curbside pick-up, the City of Pasadena is providing guidance to assist businesses re-open in a safer and orderly manner. To view the guidelines, click here. Or download the latest guidelines here: 

Prior to opening, each retailer must complete and implement a “Social Distancing Protocol” questionnaire found on pages 3 & 4 of the Health Guidance Document for Curbside Retail.  To download the document, click here.

Revised Health Order for Phased Reopening in Pasadena

The City of Pasadena Health Officer is expected to issue a revised order consistent with state/county health orders announcing that effective Friday, May 8, 2020, non-essential businesses such as bookstores, toy stores, florists, music stores, clothing stores and sporting goods stores can reopen for curbside pick-up, with adherence to distancing and infection control protocols. The health order, once released, will be posted to

The city statement said anyone can subscribe to receive these business updates related to the City of Pasadena’s response to COVID-19 by clicking here.


From LA County:

On Friday, the County of Los Angeles announced participation in the State of California’s ‘Great Plates Delivered’ initiative. With the support of the Board of Supervisors and with a partnership between the LA County Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) and the Office of Emergency Management, LA County will provide three home-delivered meals a day to qualifying older adults and adults over 60 who are high-risk as determined by the CDC, while also stimulating the economy by bringing employees back to work from the restaurant, hospitality, and transportation industries.

Individual participants may apply for ‘Great Plates Delivered’ by calling 2-1-1. To be eligible for participation, individuals must meet requirements that includes age, inability to prepare or obtain meals, and are not currently receiving assistance from other state or federal nutrition assistance programs. Click here for a full list of requirements.

Restaurants interested in participating in the ‘Great Plates Delivered’ program should fill out an interest form by clicking here. Food providers will be selected based on factors that include their ability to meet volume and nutritional standards, and prioritize local jobs, worker retention, worker health and safety, and standards of equity and fairness in employment practices. The County is finalizing additional criteria which will be posted on this webpage in the days ahead.  

Additional Helpful Links


As of Saturday, May 9, 2020, Pasadena has had 11 new cases for a total of 542 identified cases of Coronavirus and 65 total fatalities. The Pasadena Publid Health Department reported that five people who attended a birthday party in April and did not practice socisl distancing were diagnosed with Coronavirus. Others who attended have been tested but results are pending. In Los Angeles County, 31, 197 cases have been reported with 1512 deaths. California has seen 2,533 new cases for a total of 66,122 with 74 new deaths for a totla of 2.684. 

Here is an article from Holland and Knight about the PPP and loan forgiveness:

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and the Pasadena Community Foundation have proposed a fund to suport small businesses and asked the Pasadena City Council to provide seed money of $1 million. Funds from the Pasadena Small Business Releief Fund would be managed by the Pasacena Community Foundation. Grants of up to $10,000 would be provided to local small businesses to help them withstand the closures and adjusted operating protocols that resulted from the Safer at Home orders. If seeded with City of Pasadena funds, the Chamer will provide an application to any small business interested in obtaining funding through the Pasadena Small Business Relief Fund. A panel of retired bank, retail and restaurant operators will make independent decisions on each applicant. Those funded are not required to be members of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce or donors and supporters of the Pasadena Community Foundation. You can voice your support for the effort by clicking here and commenting on Agenda Item 8C on the May 11, 2020, City Council agenda. You can comment until 4pm on Monday, May 11th.