Pasadena Chamber events and activities for April cancelled or postponed

All Pasadena Chamber of Commerce networking events and activities for April, 2020 have been cancelled. This includes our Luncheon Alliance, Connection Breakfast and Pasadena Chambe After Hours Social and Mixer.

The Pasadena Chamber Celebrating Commitment party for our long-term members and those who reached significant milestone membership anniversaries in 2019 has been postponed indefinitely. if you received and invitation for the event, please RSVP. We will be hosting the party once the current Safer at Home orders are lifted and we can work with Altadena Town and Country Club on a new date. (We will all need a party at that point, right?)

The Pasadena Chamber will cintinue to send out information as it becomes available through email blasts. Those compiled here are those daily email blasts for the week of March 23rd throough March 27th and often contain different information, advice, assistance and links to information.

We continue to communicate with the Pasadena City Council and City leadership with suggestions for assistance to supoprt our members and the local economy. You can reach them via email by clicking here.

If we can be of any assistance at all, please call 727-795-3355 or email