In response to COVID-19 outbreak state ABC lifts regulations for off-site sale of alcohol-you can get drinks to go with your take-out food orders!

State of California lifts prohibition of off-site sales of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with food service

Drinks beer and wine to go allowed with take-out food orders.

Have a drink and support your local restaurants!

Shop Pasadena

From the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control:

Pursuant to the Constitution of the State of California, Article XX, Section 22, and in furtherance of Governor Newsom’s emergency declarations and orders regarding the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is temporarily suspending enforcement of specific legal prohibitions identified below.

This regulatory relief is designed to support the alcoholic beverage industry in its efforts to assist California in slowing the spread of the virus while assisting the industry in dealing with the economic challenges it is facing as a result. The Department has carefully considered the public’s health, safety, and welfare in providing this relief, and the Department has concluded that none of these measures, exercised on a temporary basis, will jeopardize the public’s health, safety, or welfare.

Licensees with on-sale privileges may sell those alcoholic beverages for off-sale consumption in manufacturer pre-packaged containers as to which their license permits on-sale consumption. For example, a Type 47 restaurant may sell beer, wine, and distilled spirits for off-sale consumption, regardless of any condition on its license to the contrary and regardless of the statutory prohibition against on-sale licensees selling distilled spirits for off-sale consumption. Similarly, a Type 41 beer and wine licensed restaurant may sell beer and wine, but not distilled spirits, for consumption off the premises regardless of any conditions on its license that prohibit such sales.

In addition to selling manufacturer pre-packaged containers as provided above, bona fide eating places (i.e., restaurants) selling beer, wine, and pre-mixed drinks or cocktails for consumption off the licensed premises may do so when sold in conjunction with meals prepared for pick-up or delivery.

The full text of the order can be found here:

Restaurants with existing on-sire licenses are free to sell offsite alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine and mixed cocktails.

For restaurant patrons, feel free to order your favorite beverage, alcoholic or not, with your take-out!