Abbracci Group presents a FREE Presentation on 12/12 – Taking CHARGE of Your Career


You are invited to a FREE presentation – Taking CHARGE of Your Career - on Thursday, December 12 at the University Club of Pasadena. Please join us from 5:30pm-6:30pm and then stay at the University Club for their Wine Down Thursday event

Based on my book, The Way of the HR Warrior, we will apply the CHARGE model to your career. CHARGE represents Courage, Humility, Accuracy, Resilience, Goal-Oriented, and Exemplary. These qualities are essential when taking control of and developing your career goals.

We will examine each quality and offer self-reflection activities as a way to focus on your strengths and areas for development. You will leave the presentation with concrete steps to help you take CHARGE of your career.

As a special guest to our pilot presentation, your feedback is important to us. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and how we can improve!

Take time for yourself and your development on Thursday, December 12 at 5:30pm and then enjoy the University Club until 7:30pm! We have a limited number of spots open, please email if you are interested or if you have any questions.

Keri Ohlrich, PhD