Your Health: There's a Storm Storm Brewing by Dr. Dennis Buckley

There’s a Huge Storm Brewing, and It’s Going to Hit Hard!

Did you know you could die from the flu? Thousands do every year.

From October through January in the USA, the flu season raises its ugly head and affects millions of people. Some get it, some don’t. Some get it real bad.

If you want to know how bad the flu-season will be this year we can look to our neighbors down under. Yes, the Australians. There is a correlation between how bad the Australian flu-season is and the US flu-season. If it’s bad there, it will be bad here.

In 2017, it was the worst flu-season ever in Australia and it hit very hard here also. 2018 was not as bad. 2019 in Australia is the worst start to the flu season ever as it is their wintertime as we are experiencing summer. As we spin into fall they go into spring and their flu season winds down and ours starts up.

Oh, and the incidence of hospitalization for the flu in Australia is at an all time high.

So what can you do to prepare to meet this invader? Your medical doctor will probably tell you to get a flu-shot. You may wonder, “Is that enough?” “I know many people who received the flu shot and still got sick.” “What else can I do?”

The flu is a virus. A virus in your body must be attacked by your immune system. So what can you do is to improve and strengthen your immune system?

Well first, here are some things not to do.

  • Rest or sleep, push yourself to the limits.
  • Drink a lot of alcohol
  • Smoke cigarettes or cannabis
  • Stress over everything
  • Eat lots of fast food and avoid vegetables at all cost
  • Drink water, consume more coffee and soda.
  • Exercise, be as sedentary as possible (then you can eat and drink more)
  • Did I mention, forget sleep? Stay up late and get up early
  • Hang around with other sick people.
  • Be miserable.


That should do it! You are bound to get sick and if you don’t, you’ll be miserable and feel like you are sick.

Now no one in their right mind wants to get sick so here are the things you can do to help support your immune system and survive or avoid the flu.

  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Minimize alcohol intake and drink lots of water
  • Do not smoke anything
  • Exercise daily
  • Eats lots of vegetables and some fruit with lean protein.
  • Receive acupuncture or chiropractic adjustments
  • Get plenty of rest especially if you do get sick
  • Supplements such as Echinacea and vitamin C can support your immune function
  • Be positive and be kind to others
  • Avoid other sick people and wash your hands regularly.
  • That should give you the best chance to weather this storm and not let it ruin your fall and winter holidays. In fact this is a great way to live all year round.


You will probably live a lot longer than you ever imagined so what would you do today to ensure that your tomorrows will be healthy? Follow the second set of guidelines and enjoy the 100 Year Lifestyle. In the mean time, get through this storm that’s coming and enter 2020 healthy and wiser.


Dennis Buckley, DC

Clinic Director Health Advantage Physical Medicine