JPL wants to to send you to Mars! Get a boarding pass and everything!

Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage to Mars! 

Our #Mars2020 Rover is gearing up for its seven-month journey to the Red Planet and you can send your name along for the ride. Plus, you’ll get a personalized boarding pass: 

Ticket to Mars

If you are curious about how the Mars2020 program is coming along, you can watch the spacecraft being built yourself.  Go to: and get a bird's-eye view of NASA's Mars 2020 rover as it takes shape at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. You can watch as JPL engineers and technicians assemble and test the rover before it embarks next year on one of the most technologically challenging interplanetary missions ever designed.  

To learn more about the Mars Exploration Program, go to: