Beware online pfishing schemes using familiar names but unrecognized return emails

Recently, there has been an increase in email pfishing schemes and attempts.

One of the most recent uses a familiar name as the email sender, but has a different return email address.

If you have any doubt at all, or if the request seems suspicious, please do not respond. Under no circumstances will the Pasadena Chamber solicit contact information from you via email. We often call to verify contact info, but never email for the information, especially personal cell phone or email information.

Lately, staff members of various local Chambers have had their names used.

For example, I have heard from several members about this email that did not come from me:

From: pasadena CCCA <>
Date: July 17, 2018 at 12:22:23 PM PDT
Subject: [SPAM] Hi Leanne

Hope you had a good weekend? kindly email your personal cell phone number, thank you.

Paul Little, 

President, CEO

pasadena CCCA

If you receive anything like this, please ignore it.

Thank you,
