Small Business Opportunity Fair is Tuesday, May 22nd at 8am - meet large companies that want to do business with you!

Always wanted to know how to do business with large companies?

Need to make contact with procurement officers to expand your customer base to include large companies?

Want to learn what large companies procure from local small businesses?

Join us for the Small Business Opportunity Fair on May 22nd from 8am to 12:30pm at the Pasadena Convention Center.

The event is FREE. 

Click below to sign up.

Presented by the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the City of Pasadena.

Open to any small business person who wants to expand their opportunties with large companies.



Small Business Opportunity Fair is Tuesday, May 22, 2018, from 8am to 12:30 at Pasadena Convention Center. Event is FREE to attend, but sign up first by clicking here:

Presented by Jet Propulsion Laboratory, The City of Pasadena

and the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce


Small Business Opportunity Fair

May 22, 2018 - 8:00 am-12:30 pm

at the

Pasadena Conference Center in Pasadena, CA


The Small Business Opportunity Fair is a FREE outreach event sponsored by NASA/JPL, the City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce. It will enable small businesses to meet with representatives from the Government Agencies and Large Businesses listed below.


Government Agencies


Large Businesses


See you there!