150 in attendance for Chamber and City of Pasadena presented Business and Economic Summit 2016, October 25th

The City of Pasadena partnered with the Chamber in presenting the Business and Ecnomic Summit 2016 on October 25th at the University Club.

Pasadena Board of Directors Chair Ishmael Trone welcomed guests and provided brief remarks about the Chamber's fiscal health and Program of Work for 2016. Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek gave welcoming remarks and discussed strengths and issues facing the city.

Featured speaker was Tracy Hernandez, Founding CEO of the Los Angeles County Business Federation (BizFed). Ms. Hernandez introduced BizFed to those in attendance then provided a brief economic overview of Los Angeles County industry and job creators. She also informed guests about issues, trends and challenges that are perceived by local businesses and how these could impact our local economy.

Pasadena Economic Development Manager Eric Duyshart provide data and some insights into local trends and developments. He explained sales tax and other economic indicators and gave an overview of development projects in Pasadena.

Karl Bird, acquisition division manager at Jet Propulstion Laboratory moderated a panel discussion on the future of the workforce, workplace and our transportation system. Panelists were Senior Associate for Workplace Strategy Brittany Dodd of CBRE, People Operations Coordinator Kim Sidders of Bolton & Company and Chief Communication Officer Pauletta Tonilas of METRO.

Ms. Sidders discussed millenials in the workplace and what those entering the workforce for the firrst time are looking for in a workplace environment. Ms. Dodd discussed the recent development of CBRE's 21st century offices in Glendale and how the open configuration and enhanced services is enhancing the work and productivity of employees. Ms. Tonilas discussed transportation planning in the age of ride-sharing services, self-driving cars and changes in transportation usage.

The annual Business and Economic Summit 2016 is a collaboration between the City of Pasadena and the Chamber. Wells Fargo generously sponors the Business and Economic Summit.

Pasadena Chamber Board Chair Ishmael Trone welcomed guests at the Business and Economic Summit 2016.
Nayor Terry Tornek discussed Pasadena priorities at the Summit.
Tracy Hernandez, Founding CEO of BizFed, discussed issues facing the business community in Los Angeles County.
Pasadena Economic Development Manager Eric Duyshart discussed the local economy.






Karl Bird of JPL moderated a panel with Brittany Dodd of CBRE, Kim Sidders of Bolton & Company and Pauletta Tonilas of LA METRO.