June 2 seminar on illness prevention from Chamber member Total HR

Would you like an opportunity to gain expert insight on how to develop an Injury and Illness Prevention Program? If so, you’re in luck! Total HR has partnered with ehsInc and their Director of Safety, education, and Curriculum Design William “Bill” Blake to offer insight and expertise on how to build an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program. This workshop is ideal for business owners, HR professionals, safety managers, safety consultants, managers or anyone responsible for developing a written IIPP or improving an existing IIPP. You won’t want to miss this great opportunity that will help you provide better workplace protection for your employees, stay in compliance, and reduce losses resulting from injuries and accidents. To register and learn more details, see attached flyer or click the link below!


Download the flyer here: PDF iconIIPP_Seminar_Flyer-TotalHR-.pdf