Comment on METRO's Transportation Strategic Plan

Metro’s Draft Active Transportation Strategic Plan (Plan) is available for public review and comment.  We invite you and your organization to provide input.  The Plan is intended to serve as Metro’s overall strategy for funding and supporting implementation of active transportation (e.g., walking, bicycling) infrastructure and programs in Los Angeles County.  The Draft Plan includes an extensive existing conditions analysis, incorporates feedback obtained through a robust stakeholder engagement process, and identifies opportunities for Metro to support local partners in achieving implementation.  The Draft Plan can be accessed at the web links below, which are best viewed in the Google Chrome browser: 


Active Transportation Strategic Plan, Volume I:

  • Cover page, table of contents, executive summary - click here to download
  • Chapter 1:  Introduction – click here to download
  • Chapter 2:  The Role of Active Transportation - click here to download
  • Chapter 3:  Implementation - click here to download
  • Chapters 4 & 5:  Countywide Active Transportation Network & References- click here to download


Active Transportation Strategic Plan,  Volume II Case Studies – Click here to download


Active Transportation Strategic Plan, Volume III Appendices:

  • Cover page and table of contents - click here to download
  • Appendix A:  Benefits and Effects of Active Transportation - click here to download
  • Appendix B:  Local Jurisdictions:  Related Plans and Policies - click here to download
  • Appendix C:  Stakeholder Outreach - click here to download
  • Appendix D:  Selection of 661 Station Areas - click here to download
  • Appendix E:  Station Typology - click here to download
  • Appendix F:  Performance Metrics - click here to download
  • Appendix G:  Cost Estimates - click here to download
  • Appendix H:  Regional Active Transportation Network Methodology and Analysis - click here to download
  • Appendix I:  Innovative Bikeway Design Primer (Forthcoming!  Please check the following webpage in the near future:
  • Appendix J:  Bicycle Parking Analysis - click here to download

The existing conditions analysis online portal referenced in the report can be accessed here: (the website is best viewed in the Google Chrome browser)

Please submit your input via email to or mail to Tham Nguyen, One Gateway Plaza, Mail Stop 99-22-6, Los Angeles, CA 90012.  Please submit all written comments by Friday, March 25, 2016