Minimum Wage update - City Council meeting is tonight (Monday, February 1st) at 6:30pm

The minimum wage increase proposal in Pasadena (to go to $13.25 by 2018 and ultimately $15 by 2020) is being rushed to the Pasadena City Council for a decision. The meeting is Monday, February 1, 2016, at 6:30pm. (They are expected to discuss minimum wage at about 7:15 or so. If this issue is imoprtant to you, please plan to attend and have your voice heard.)

The Pasadena Chamber is proposing an increase to $12.50 by 2020. Here are those details: PDF iconPasadena Chamber of Commerce MINIMUM WAGE PROPOSAL- January 2016.pdf

In the past few days, I have talked with Mayor Terry Tornek and Council Members  Margaret McAustin, Tyron Hampton, Gene Masuda, John Kennedy and emailed with Andy Wilson. I did not expend any energy trying to talk with Victor Gordo or Steve Madison as they are firmly committed to the $15 by 2020 proposal.

Here is the short version of those discussions:

Mayor Tornek is supportive of raising the minimum wage. He wants the evaluation after the increase goes to $13.25 in 2018.

Margaret McAustin has some concerns about the process and speed this took to get to the City Council for consideration. She seems to have concerns about the amount, as well. She will not be at the meeting on Monday as she is in Sacramento. If they vote on Monday, her opinion and vote will have no impact.

Gene Masuda has concerns about the amount of the increase, potential impacts on jobs and businesses and more.

Tyron Hampton has some concerns about the speed of the increase, but is more invested in enforcing wage theft and setting an appropriate means to protect young people/those in training.

John Kennedy is concerned about the potential impacts to businesses and employment. He is very interested to hear from businesses in District 3.

Andy Wilson seems supportive of the current approach to $13.25 by 2018 and believes the evaluation required before proceeding to levels beyond that is protection enough for our local businesses.

The only way we are going to get any movement to lower the amount or change the implementation timetable is if we make a strong showing at the meeting and through communication with Pasadena City Council Members explaining the concerns and impacts to your business (and what you have to do to cope with the increase).

Please consider emailing or calling to provide input on how the increase could impact your business and what you may have to do to minimize negative impacts on your business.

The Chamber has proposed:

  • A lower amount and longer phase-in period (to $12.50 by 2020).
  • Each step of the increase require City Council approval following an impact study.
  • Youth employees and those with significant barriers to employment remain at state minimum wage ($10.00 per hour).
  • Additional one-year deferral for small businesses.
  • Additional two-year derferral for local non-profits.
  • Reduction in Utility User Tax rates and utility transfer to the City General Fund to offset additional costs and provide additonal spending money to residents.
  • Reduce or eliminate business license tax for businesses that would be inpacted by increase in the minimum wage.

The council has been receiving emails relaying concerns about the increase from non-profits, senior living and care facilities and others. If you would like to communicate via email, please do so at and cc:

The City Council meeting is Monday, February 1, 2016, at 6:30pm at Pasadena City Hall. A strong showing of people with concerns can only be helpful. If you attend and want to speak, fill out the speaker card and turn it in to the Sergeant at Arms (police officer) in the Council Chambers. Pasadena City Hall is at 100 North Garfield in Pasadena. There is free parking on the street, but it fills up pretty quickly on the nights there are council meetings.

Thank you for your help and support.


Paul Little

President and Chief Executive Officer

Pasadena Chamber of Commerce

44 North Mentor Avenue

Pasadena, CA 91106-1745