Spring Ahead Academy workshops and seminars

At Spring Ahead Academy, we love to help small businesses and non-profit organizations learn about topics that are vital to their success. This is why we have developed services that teach owners, employees, and future entrepreneurs how to translate business theory to success.

Spring Ahead Academy is a continuing education and training institution that focuses on building a thriving small business community through education. Our work is led by seasoned experts in the areas of marketing, communications, social media, finance, operations, and international business. Each member of our team has academic training from the top business and education institutions and has a minimum of 10 years of work experience, in large corporations and our own small businesses, and several years of teaching post-secondary education. This means we translate our business experience to teaching what entrepreneurs need to learn in a way that is relevant to how we learn — leading to measurable results for your business.

Here is a schedule of upcoming workshops and seminars:

Title: Develop Winning Online Marketing Content

Date(s): 9/22/2015 + 9/24/2015

Time: 6:30-8:30pm

Location: Cross Campus, Pasadena, CA

Price: $100


Registration: http://bit.ly/1JCzinD


“Content is the reason search began in the first place.” ­
-Lee Odden, TopRank Marketing

Content marketing is a highly effective marketing strategy for growing your sales and increasing customer engagement. In our content development workshop, we’ll teach you how to build a content marketing strategy for your business, develop audience personas, and create a sustainable methodology for content development that gets your business found online.

On top of that, we’ll summarize the basics of practical search engine optimization, growing your audience online, and distributing content in ways that grows your audience and customer base.

Title: How Your Social Metrics Can Guide Business Decisions

Date(s): 9/29/2015

Time: 6:30-8:30pm

Location: Apple Store, Pasadena, CA

Price: Free

Registration: http://bit.ly/1JQEhOn


Don't let the word "data" scare you. Data is a good thing; it helps propel your business forward because you'll begin making data-driven decisions that are smart and progressive. There are a number of ways to measure your social media return-on-investment (ROI) by looking at the numbers. When you take this course, you'll learn how to:

Analyze social media performance for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Look at the right type of data to make more data-driven decisions.

Repackage content based on high-performing posts.

After this course ends, you'll have a new perspective on social media and its impact on driving business. There is a purpose for social media and being able to measure its ROI will help you in your business role and contribute to the bottom line.

Title: Building a Sales Funnel That Leads to Revenue

Date(s): 10/7/2015 + 10/14/2015

Time: 6:30-8:30pm

Location: Cross Campus, Pasadena, CA

Price: $100


Registration: http://bit.ly/1PijMP5


At the end of this workshop, you will be able to understand, research and create a Sales Strategy document that outlines the buying process, revenue targets, lead and prospect target segments and the associated key decision makers.

Day 1 – Components of a Sales Strategy

What is a buying process?

    Decision makers versus influencers.

What is the universe definition of the target market?

How do you most effectively access the target market?


    Direct Sales?




What are the revenue goals for the next three years?

Why is average revenue per customer (ARC) critical?

    Determining ARC.

Formulas for understanding revenue goals.

Homework – Create a first draft of your Sales Strategy for use in the subsequent workshop.

Day 2 – Creation of Sales Strategy

Review and refine the components of each participant’s Sales Strategy document.

Test and challenge key assumptions.

Test and challenge the go-to-market strategy.

Create final (or as close as possible) Sales Strategy document.

Discuss what’s next.

    Sales Plan.

    Sales Process.


Title: An Accelerated Start to Finding and Exploiting Import and Export Opportunities

Date(s): 10/26/2015 + 10/28/2015

Time: 6:30-8:30pm

Location: Cross Campus, Pasadena, CA

Price: $100


Registration: http://bit.ly/1FktvPo

MONDAY 10/26 Introduction - Why Import or Export ?

Essential questions to ask
Product characteristics
Finding Foreign Partners - The Supply Agreement
International Commerce Terms ( INCOTERMS )
Foreign Exchange issues ( F / X )

WEDNESDAY 10/28 The Harmonized Tariff Schedule

Methods of Payment: Letters of Credit & Documentary Collections
Dealing with a Bank: The Business Plan
Outside Help: Freight Forwarders
Customs Brokers
Commercial Attaches
Recapitulation – Q & A
Charles Vorsanger is a businessman with over 45 years of experience inseveral aspects of International Business, including Finance, Marketing and Management. Following experience in the Corporate world, which included the establishment and management of new International Business operations, both in the U.S. and abroad, he established a consulting organization dedicated to advising small- and medium-sized U.S. companies in developing their markets abroad. He holds an M.B.A. in Marketing and one in International Business and teaches International Business courses at the College and University levels.