Support PUSD students - devote an hour, support students in the Business and Entrepreneurship Academy at Muir High

You can support our local high school students.

It is simple and easy:

  • Share your experience and expertise.
  • Talk about what you do for a living. 
  • Help local high school students explore career possiblities.

The Business & Entrepreneurship Academy’s


Monday 3/9/15 through Friday 3/13/15

Sign up to assist students as:

  • Guest Speakers
  • Resume Reviewers
  • Mock Interviewers
  • Business Plan Coaches

Make a difference in a student’s life


The Business and Entrepreneurship Academy at Muir High School in Pasadena needs your help.

Can you devote an hour of your business day to support local students by sharing your career experience with them?

The Muir High Business and Entrepreneurship Academy needs volunteers to talk with students about your career. You only need to give ONE hour to help high school student understand what you do fior a living. It's fun. It's rewarding. It supports out local students. (AND it promotes your business.)

From Monday, march 9th through Friday, March 13th, the Business and Entrepreneurship Academy at Muir High School is hosting its annual open house and career day. Volunteers are needed to come to the school and share your career experience. All you have to do is talk about what you do for a living. Simple. Easy. Rewarding. 

Interested? Email Paul Little at

Muir High School is located at 1905 Lincoln Avenue in Pasadena.

Want to support our local public school students? Email so we can count on you to help our local high school students. 

Thank you.