County of Los Angeles Streamlined Small Business Certification-Do Business with LA County

Attention Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Members:  Are you interested in doing business with the County of Los Angeles?  Did you know that County certified Local Small Businesses are eligible for an 8% bid price preference and prompt payment on their invoices? You may be eligible for certification in the County’s Local Small Business Enterprise (Local SBE) program and we just made it easier to do so by streamlining the requirements. 

The criteria to become a Local SBE is that you must: 1) be certified by the State of California DGS as a small business; 2) have your principal place of business located in the County for at least the past 12 months, and 3) be a registered vendor with the County.

If you are already a registered vendor with the County, a business is required to update their online County vendor profile with their State small business certification and submit only ONE document for County verification; i.e., a "Principal Place of Business Attestation". The Attestation may be found online at the Office of Small Business website:

If you are not yet a registered vendor with the County, you must first register online and then update your profile.

For more information on this exciting opportunity, please contact us and we would be happy to come to one of your Chamber meetings and do a live presentation on the process.  We can certify on the spot, provided your business meets the above criteria and you bring your State certification and County vendor ID numbers!  Please contact me directly if you would like to schedule a presentation for your members or have any questions. 


Debbie Cabreira-Johnson

Los Angeles County Office of Small Business-PTAC

PH: 323.881.3964 | 855.230.6430EM: