LA Chamber Leadership Southern California great opportunity

Since 2007, the L.A. Area Chamber has spearheaded regional civic leadership through our Southern California Leadership Network’s Leadership Southern California program.  As the Chamber continues to build regional consensus on major issues impacting our area, it brings to mind that we must develop leaders that understand the importance of working together across a diverse and disparate region to find solutions.   That is why now, more than ever, Leadership Southern California can help us build the next generation of civic leaders who understand the benefits and possibilities of regional stewardship.    

SCLN is currently recruiting for its 2014-15 fellowship and I would like to ask every member of the Chamber Board to consider placing someone in the program.  Fellows spend one day per month for eight months engaging in an exceptional variety of learning experiences as they develop deeper insight into the issues facing Southern California and foster lifelong connections with civic leaders from across the region. 

Admissions are highly competitive and space is limited.   The application deadline is Friday, July 18, and the fellowship begins on Thursday, August 14.  Please consider who in your organization is appropriate for the fellowship.  Or, feel free to pass this opportunity on to others who you believe would benefit from being part of Leadership Southern California.

Nancy Olson, the Chamber’s Vice President of Leadership programs, will be happy to follow-up with you directly to answer any questions you may have regarding this year’s fellowship.  Nancy can be reached directly at 213.580.7577 or