Government news: City of Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California, Chamber legislative positions and more

For those interested in governmental activities, the Pasadena Chamber provides occasional reports on the activities of our local, regional, state and federal elected bodies.

We also report on positions taken by the Pasadena Chamber Board of Directors on pending legislation, initiatives and more.

Pasadena City Council

On April 7th, the City Council approved codification of zoning code provisions for the Lincoln Avenue Specific Plan area.

In April 26th, the City Council approved use of the Rose Bowl for a music concert on August 2nd. The event is allowed as a displacement event and will not push the Rose bowl over the annual threshold for such events as the PAC-12 conference has determined that the conference championship game will be played at the new professional football stadium in San Jose.

On April 28th, the Council approved an agreement with Norton Simon Museum to continue use of the land at St. John Avenue and Colorado Boulevard by Rusnak Automotive. The Council also decided to maintain the current system of waste hauling franchising and explore adding composting services to the franchisee lists. The Council also re-approved the Environmental Impact Report for the Dusit D2 Constance Hotel. The council directed that the Land Use and Mobility elements of the revised General Plan be studied in an Environmental Impact Report.

At its May 5th meeting, the Council failedto override a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals, thus allowing Chick-fil-A to expand the already existing fast food site at Bonnie Avenue and Colorado Boulevard.

On May 19th, the City Council began deliberations on the City Manager's FY 2015 Operating Budget. The City Manager presented a balanced budget with $209.5 million of General Fund expenditures and a total budget, includign capital expenditures, of $675.2 million. The City Council also heard a report on proposed increases to the General Fee Schedule and the Schedule of Taxes, Fees and Charges.

Los Angeles County

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to terminate a contract with workforce development non-profit LA Works after an audit found the agency overcharged teh county by more than $1million for ineligible charges.

The Supervisors also voted to move forward with a $2 billion plan to rebuild the Men's Central Jail and build a new women's jail facility.

State of California

Governor Jerry Brown presented a revised budget for the State of California. The Governor is proposing a $156.2 billion budget that includes increases for Medi-Cal spending, a road map to fund deficits in state retirement funding for teachers, and a rainy-day fund of 1.5% of general fund revenue (if voters approve a November ballot measure). Funding is also in place for the state high speed rail project and takes into account $1.8 billion in additional revenues projected by the non-partisan legislative Analyst's Office.

Pasadena Chamber Board positions on legislation

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors considered the following legislation and took positions (either in support, opposition or formally took no position):

  • Board voted to support AB 2534 (Dababneh) The legislation would allow the County to privatize incarceration in LA County.
  • Board voted to support support AB 1839 (Gatto) Legislation extends and expands California's filming tax credit.
  • The Board voted to take no position on AB 1941 (Holden) Legislation would expand METRO board to include a two state representatives with one vote between them. The Chamber Board did not feel adding representatives appointed by the State legislature would guarantee increased local representation on the METRO board.
  • At the request of Caltech, the Board approves joining the Business for Federal Research Funding Coalition which supports and lobbys for federal funding for scientific research.
  • The Board also voted to support AB 777 (Muratsuchi; D-Torrance) The legislation updates the California tax code to include equipment used for spaceflight transportation within the business inventory exemption.
  • The Board also sent a letter to our congressional representatives asking to move forward with trade legislation that would allow the President to negotiate trade agreements that would be subleect to U.S. Senate approval withn a set amount of time. (The initiative is still pending in Washington.)