Pasadena Chamber, Pasadena Bar Association team up for Poker Tournament April 17th

The Pasadena Bar Association and the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce are teaming up to present a Poker Tournament on Thursday, April 17th at 6pm in the Rococo Room at Cafe Santorini at 70 West Union Street in Pasadena.

Buy in for the tournament is $100. Players receive chips, buffet dinner and two drinks. (You can buy additional chips at the event, if you need them.) Observers can attend for $30 and get buffet dinner and two drinks. Grand prize for the tournament is a $1000 gift card.

Proceeds from the Poker Tournament will help fund the Bar Association and Pasadena Chamber scholarship funds.

Come out, have a fun night of poker and help local students attend college.

Download the flyer here:

There are limited number of seats at the table for this one, so register early.