A Place to Call Home - Mayor's Prayer Breakfast April 30th presented by Friends in Deed

A Place To Call Home

Pasadena’s annual gathering of faith, business, education, civic, and student community will come together on Wednesday, April 30th to embrace and celebrate a vision of interfaith unity and hope at the 41st Annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast held at the Convention Center Ballroom from 7 – 9 AM

The Keynote speaker is Elise Buik, President and first woman CEO of United Way of Greater Los Angeles, a dynamic presenter with a commitment to building pathways out of poverty through affordable housing. 

The morning includes Pasadena's Marine Corp Color Guard, special music, and the opportunity to connect with Pasadena’s larger community.  Master of Ceremonies is Jeff Michael, well known News Anchor for Studio 11, Fox News.  Buy your ticket now. Bring your friends, share a table, and celebrate this Annual Prayer Breakfast together. consider sponsoring a table and a student for this annual inspirational event presented by Friends In Deed, a 120 year old non-profit organization and the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast Committee.

Tickets: $35 each which can be purchased online through friendsindeedpas.org

Table sponsor levels (seat 10) - $500 or $1000

For more information: 626-398-3838 or  626-797-2402

Pay by check: Payable to Friends in Deed, MPB

Mail to: P.O. Box 41121, Pasadena, CA 91114

Tickets not sold at the door

Tax deductible Sponsor donation:   ECPAC Tax ID (DBA Friends In Deed) 95-1644608