Title Boxing Club
87 Fraser Alley
Pasadena, CA

Kelly Shearer



Everyone is invited to join TITLE BOXING CLUB to celebrate its Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting on Wednesday August 6, 2014!  Please begin arriving at 5:00pm for our 5:30 grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony, at 87 Fraser Alley in Old Pasadena (directly opposite north side of the DeLacey Parking Structure).  Right after the ribbon cutting, we will host an open house until 7:00pm where you can tour the Club, meet the TITLE Boxing team, and enjoy light refreshments, including beer and wine.  TITLE Boxing Club is a franchised fitness club offering members unlimited group fitness classes featuring classic boxing and kickboxing training methods for an efficient, effective and empowering workout.  Prior to the event, beginning at 4:00pm we will hold a free POWER HOUR group fitness class where everyone is invited to put on their workout clothes and participate – we’ll happily loan you a pair of boxing gloves.   Reserve your spot in the group class by calling us at 626.340.2500 or emailing oldpasadena@titleboxingclub.com.  Walk-ins are also welcome to join the class.  We hope to see you there!