Young Professionals meet at Alexander's Steakhouse on Thursday, August 27th

Good afternoon!

The Young Professionals Group of Pasadena will be meeting, Thursday, August 27 at 6:30pm.  The mixer will be held at Alexander's Steakhouse which is located at 111 N Los Robles Ave.  All YP Mixer attendees a will receive a complimentary cocktail, beer or glass of wine as they arrive and  Executive Chef, Matt Bata will have some complimentary savory appetizers for the guests to try at the beginning of the evening. Alexander's will be extending Social Hour prices until 7:30 pm that evening which includes both drink and food specials.  I hope you can all join us for this evening of networking and fun.

Please feel free to share this information with your friends and co-workers. Download the flyer here: young pro mixer - August 2015.pdf

I would appreciate it if you could RSVP to me by August 25 to let me know if you are able to attend, as I need to let the venue know.  Thank you!

I look forward to seeing you on the 27th!