Chamber of Commerce, City of Pasadena partner to sponsor Shop Pasadena promotional campaign

Chamber of Commerce, City of Pasadena Partner to Sponsor Shop Pasadena Promotional Campaign

“Grow Your Community, Shop Pasadena” designed by Art Center students with goal of encouraging patronage of Pasadena stores, restaurants, entertainment venues and services 


To encourage local residents and workers to shop in Pasadena, the City of Pasadena and the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce are sponsoring the Grow Your Community, Shop Pasadena promotional campaign to encourage patronage of Pasadena stores during the holidays. Shopping with our local stores and eating in our local restaurants in something we can all do to help preserve and grow jobs in Pasadena for local residents.

We all have memories of that favorite retailer, restaurant or entertainment venue that is no longer in business. We are also reminded of our local unemployment figures and the difficulty many have in finding work. We all appreciate the excellent services provided by the City of Pasadena to support the quality of life in our neighborhoods.”

One simple way everyone who lives, works or does business in Pasadena can support our local economy is to spend money in with Pasadena businesses. The shops, restaurants and services that create local jobs and provide the financial bedrock for Pasadena are dependent on local patrons for their livelihood.

Sales tax dollars, business license fees, property taxes and other assessments paid by commercial interests return a dividend to the City of Pasadena to pay for essential services such as police and fire protection and also support our local public schools, parks and Pasadena City College. The Chamber and the City encourage everyone to think local when buying during the holiday season and beyond. 

The prosperity of everyone in Pasadena is dependent on the financial health of our local business community. Supporting local businesses is very important to the ongoing economic vitality of the entire Pasadena area.

It is in everyone’s best interest to promote the vitality of our local businesses that contribute to the excellent quality of life in Pasadena. Each dollar retained in Pasadena, pays a dividend to our community. Spending in Pasadena preserves local jobs, maintains local businesses and even saves travel time and gas.

Grow Your Community, Shop Pasadena is a collaborative effort between community partners, the City of Pasadena, Chamber members and the Pasadena Chamber.

The campaign consists of advertisements in local media, which are generously donated by our media partners. The campaign also features bus shelter ads that will be on display throughout Pasadena from mid-November to mid-January. The ads were designed in partnership with The Agency, a student-run advertising cooperative at Art Center College of Design. Bus shelter ad space is generously donated by CBS Outdoor.