‘Euphoric’ state rebound predicted From the LA Times:…

By Margot Roosevelt for the LA Times: IN CALIFORNIA and the nation, “we are about to have one of the best years of economic growth that we’ve had since World War II,” said Leo Feler, the UCLA Anderson Forecast’s senior economist. 

California’s strict public health measures during the pandemic protected its economy, setting the stage for an even faster recovery in the state than nationwide, UCLA economists reported.

Ready to apply to have your PPP loan forgiven? Experts…

Ready to apply to have your PPP loan forgiven? Experts advise small- business borrowers through the process.

THE PAYCHECK Protection Program was a lifeline for small businesses during the pandemic. By Samantha Masunaga for the LA Times.

The Paycheck Protection Program provided a lifeline for the small businesses that were able to get a loan and insulate themselves at least somewhat from the COVID-19 pandemic’s economic fallout.

Luncheon Alliance Wednesday, June 2nd, at 11:30 Sponsored…

Join us for our virtual networking Luncheon Alliance on Wednesday June 2nd at 11:30am.

Journey House is the presenting sponsor the June 2nd lunch (thanks to the generosity of Mixed Rootes Enterprises).

Network, promote your business, meet new people, make new connections, build our contact list-all from the safety of your own home or office (or wherever you may be) via ZOOM. 

COVID-19 Update for May 31, 2021-Stats, Last Chance for PPP…

The opportunity to apply for PPP Loans may end today, unless there are unspent funds for the program. ONLY ABOUT $3 billion was left of the $800 billion provided through the Paycheck Protection Program as of Friday. Applications will be taken until Monday. Above, President Biden signs a PPP extension in March.

It is Memorial Day-Please Take a Moment to Remember Those…

Today is Memorial Day-a day set aside to remember and honor those who perished in service to our country. 

Please take a moment today to remember the many people who sacrificed everything so that our United States of America could contimue to grow and prosper in freedom and representative democracy.

Not to Keep by Robert Frost (1874-1963)

Getting ready for the office 2.0 and one company'…

Employers are rethinking schedules, seating and safety as they bring back workers. The new normal will be anything but. By Samantha Masunaga, Laurence Darmiento and Andrea Chang

A Santa Monica tech giant doesn’t intend to make employees return to the office if they don’t want to.

A defense contractor with a major presence in Palmdale now sees a hybrid online and in-person work schedule as the norm.

From Bloomberg: Employers don the role of facemask…

For millions of employees returning to the office after a long work-from-home hiatus, one of the biggest changes will be getting most of their pandemic orders from a new COVID-19 czar — their employer.

From the Wall Street Journal: Are Remote Workers Regarded…

Bosses Question Eagerness Of Remote Employees BY VANESSA FUHRMANS

More than a year into the U.S.’s great work-from-home experiment, many companies have hailed it largely as a success. So why do some bosses think remote workers aren’t as committed as office dwellers?

From the New York Times: Is It Time to Panic About…

Focus on exactly how and why prices are changing over time, and how these shifts might affect you.

By Neil Irwin

To understand why inflation is so worrying to so many people, you could look at price charts for lumber or used cars or New York strip steaks. There is no doubt that the prices of many of the things people buy are rising at an uncomfortably rapid rate.

Covid-19 Update for May 24, 2020-Changes to Workplace Rules…

New cases of COVID-19 in Pasadena remained at levels not previously seen in well over a year with only two new infections detected by public health officials on Thursday. The city’s average number of daily infections over the prior week declined to 1.7, which was the lowest rate recorded since March 26, 20210, according to Pasadena Public Health Department data. It’s been 20 days since a fatality has been reported in Pasadena, and 18 days since a daily case count exceeded single-digits.

From PasadenaNOW: California is reopening on June 15th.…

No Capacity Limits, No Physical Distancing: State Outlines Plan for End Of COVID Rules on June

With infections and hospitalizations dropping and vaccinations rising, California is on track to lift the bulk of its COVID-19 regulations on June 15, including a complete removal of capacity restrictions and physical distancing requirements, the state’s Health and Human Services Secretary said Friday.