From the New York Times: Mental Health maintenance in the…

Our Changing Lives: Mental Health

The state of mental health in the U.S. has been worsening for many years now, among children and adults, and the pandemic essentially threw gasoline on that fire.

Audit: Cities are flush with stimulus cash- from the…

When life as we knew it screeched to a halt last year, municipal bean counters trembled in their penny loafers.

COVID-19 Update for August 16, 2021-Grants for non-profits…

Pasadena: Public health officials in Pasadena reported 27 new infections and no additional deaths on Wednesday. The city’s pandemic totals stood at 12,196 COVID-19 cases and 353 fatalities.The average number of daily infections reported over the prior week declined for a third straight day to 27.4, according to Pasadena Public Health Department data.

Pasadena Police Department Activity Report for July, 2021

This information provides a greater awareness to the Pasadena community. The critical events detailed below are merely a snapshot of the calls received to the Police Communications Center every day. Your police department strives to better serve the Pasadena community. Under Police Chief John Perez, the principles of the “Pasadena Way” will forever have a lasting impact on all employees who serve in the organization, as we continue to police with compassion and best intentions.

COVID-19 Update for August 9, 2021-Non-profit grants, cases…

New round of California grants for non-profit cultural institutionsL Round 8: Nonprofit cultural institutions only:
Application window: Friday, August 27th through Wednesday, September 8th. Eligible applicants: Only non-profit cultural institutions with any revenue size that meet eligibility criteria found at

No virtual breakfast in August - We are trying to secure in…

Good afternoon.

There will be no virtual Connection Breakfast in August. 

We hope to resume in-person networking events in September and are actively working with potential venues on availability, pricing and safety protocols.

The Connectors chosen in July will remain for September's in-person networking events. 

Thank you for your patience.

COVID-19 Update fo August 2, 2021-Cases climbing, Pasadena…

Netflix and Hulu? Check. Alexa and Siri, for instant answers? Check. And now, in Los Angeles County, you can also get an on demand COVID-19 vaccine.
That’s right. In a world of inhome services — and at a time of urgent concern that not enough people are getting their shots to fend off the coronavirus — the vaccines can come to you. At least that’s what public health officials want to remind you about this week.

Reason Foundation's Marc Joffe Makes the Case for…

BY MARC JOFFE From the Pasadena Star-News:

COVID-19 Update for July 25, 2021: Mask Mandate in Pasadena…

The United States is in an “unnecessary predicament” of soaring COVID-19 cases fueled by unvaccinated Americans and the virulent delta variant, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert said Sunday.

“We’re going in the wrong direction,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, describing himself as “very frustrated.”

Pasadena Perspective the digital magazine of the Pasadena…

Pasadena Chamber logo


RE: Pasadena Perspective Quarterly Magazine

Perseverance, Progress, Prosperity

COVID-19 Update for July 19, 2021-Masks Indoors are Back,…

In the face of steadily increasing COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations, Los Angeles County residents will again be required to wear masks in indoor public settings beginning Saturday night, health officials announced Thursday. Pasadena spokesperson Lisa Derderian said the city is reviewing options for a similar mandate.