Vroman's Needs Your Help

I’m writing a number of friends and well established members in our community.  Unfortunately I’m writing to ask for your help.  Vroman’s is a private business, but we’ve always considered it a civic institution as well, and we would be remiss if we didn’t reach out for support at a moment when our future is in doubt.

As you can imagine, the past few month have been the most difficult in Vroman’s 126-year history.  We survived the advent of national brick and mortar competitors over the years and the development of online behemoths.  But like virtually every retailer in the last six months —large and small—we are struggling as never before.  Our foot traffic and sales improved when we could finally reopen, but we are still down almost 40% from prior years, a level which cannot sustain our business.

 A PPP loan and cash reserves allowed us to weather the past seven months of losses.  But it is critical now that our sales volumes return to much higher levels for us to stay open. Up until now I have resisted asking for community support – it’s a very humbling experience.  But it is now time.

 In short, we need our customers and community to return to shopping at Vroman’s—on line with delivery or curb-side pick up, or in-person safely in our stores.  We’re reaching out to our community with a “Support Vroman’s” campaign.  And we need your help to get the word out.

Vroman’s has a truly special legacy.  We first opened our doors in Pasadena in 1894 and have been its literary home ever since.  Customers share stories of countless ways they have connected to our store—childhood memories of Mr. Steve; discovering a life-changing book; great authors and historic figures appearing for readings and signings; and even married couples who met while browsing our shelves.  We’re proud that we, in turn, supported our community—as a place of gathering, culture, jobs and as a patron of countless local charities going back over 100 years and, today, including our Vroman’s Gives Back Program having donated over $750,000.

I am asking you to reach out to your friends and contacts with the following messages:

1)     Vroman’s needs your support to continues its 126-year legacy

2)     Please shop for books and gifts with Vroman’s and encourage your friends and associates to do the same

3)     Shop early before the December holiday rush---the stores will be far less crowded in October and November

4)     Shop on week-day mornings, before crowds appear, rather than busy weekends and afternoons

5)     Share posts from “Preserve a Pasadena Treasure, Shop Vroman’s” from Vroman’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts on our own social media

We will be working to extend this outreach with media interviews and other promotions.  And I welcome your ideas, suggestions and, of course, your questions.

The next few months will determine the future of Vroman’s.  I truly appreciate your friendship and support during this critical time.

Thank you,

Joel Sheldon