There's still time to complete the census-Deadline is now October 5th-but may be extended by federal judge

Dear Pasadena Residents, 

The time to complete the 2020 Census questionnaire is quickly coming to a close.   The deadline to respond has been ordered extended by a federal judge to at least October 9, 2020, with the results of the census to be used for the next 10 YEARS!   During these times, when population counts are used to distribute money for schools and student meals, provide funding for COVID-19 relief, and determine the number of congressional representatives in congress to represent our community interests, it is so important to make sure that everyone in our City is counted!   If you have not yet completed the census, please take ten minutes and answer the few questions that will help you, your neighbors, and the most vulnerable members in our community.   


There is even a local Pasadena Census Office staff with US Census Enumerators to help residents complete the Census: (626) 314-8635.  The Pasadena Census Office is open Monday thru Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.   Let’s make sure that #PasadenaCounts! 




Mark Jomsky

City Clerk 

City of Pasadena

(626) 744-4124


Click here to complete your 2020 Census before the September 30, 2020 Deadline:

Fill out the census