Support John Muir High Business Week-volunteer a couple of hours.

John Muir High School is hosting their annual Business Week March 26th-March 29th.

The academy teachers created an awesome line up of activities for this year’s business week including student panel discussions on The Real Deal On Summer Internships and a recent graduate panel called Life after High School: Expectations versus Reality. But we also need the business community's support.

Below are some areas business partners can make a positive impact in preparing students for college and career.

Tuesday March 27th: Resume Critiques (Freshman and Sophomores), Times – 3rd period 9:21am-10:46am, 5th period 11:34am- 12:59pm

7th period 1:35pm-3pm, Location - Room 105A

Wednesday, March 28th: Mock Interviews (Seniors and Juniors) Times – 7:50-9:15am, 9:21-10:46a,m Location - Room 105A

Thursday, March 29th: Career Fair (Seeking companies to have an interactive table to share what your industry is all about to 9-12th graders) Times -   7:50 to 10:46am and 1:35 to 3:00p.m. Location – Library

Please reach out to Amy Foell ( if you would like to participate or have further questions.