Spring Ahead presents workshops for businesses and entrepreneurs

Pasadena Chamber member Spring Ahead Academy presents workshops to help businesses grow and prosper.


Title: Lessons Learned from a Successful Kickstarter 

Date(s): 7/30/2015 

Time: 6:30-8:30pm 

Location: Cross Campus, 87 N Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103 

Price: Free 

Registration: http://bit.ly/1KLYwkw 



Ah, Kickstarter. It’s so easy, right? You just put your idea on the website, hit “launch” and watch the money roll into your bank account. Dead wrong. 


The reality is that successfully running a Kickstarter campaign is like launching, running, and closing a successful business plan in 30 days. You need to create a business plan, create awareness, manage it, close deals, and then when it’s complete, deliver rewards to everyone that gave you money. That’s enough work to bring down a small team but it’s not all the work you will have during the 30 days. You have to run your actual business during the entire time the Kickstarter “business” is running as well. 


Come to a FREE seminar on July 30 to learn as Elizabeth Eichhorn of Mary Lee Kitchen teaches us about the reality of running a Kickstarter, answers all our questions and gives us great advice 


Title: How Not To Get Legally Screwed in Business 

Date(s): 8/6/2015 

Time: 6:30-8:30pm 

Location: Cross Campus, 87 N Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103 

Price: Free 

Registration: http://bit.ly/1Ci60u4  



Have you been screwed in contracts, during incorporations, investment deals, by employees, business partners, or anyone else close to your business? Come with your challenges and learn as Frank Alvarado helps us navigate our nightmares and learn from each other in this edition of How Not to Get Screwed in Business. 


Attorney, Frank Alvarado, is driven by entrepreneurship, creating business growth and problem solving. Frank assists companies and individuals in establishing a solid baseline for future growth in their businesses. This includes proper corporate formation, protecting intellectual property, and proper use of contract provisions. The most effective problem solving techniques include preemptively implementing protections prior to issues arising. Specifically, establishing how a future problem will be resolved, where it will be resolved, and limiting the costs.    


Title: Your Business is International. Are You Capitalizing on It? 

Date(s): 8/11/2015 

Time: 6:30-8:30pm 

Location: Cross Campus, 87 N Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103 

Price: Free 

Registration: http://bit.ly/1KLYEAH  



This seminar is intended to give business owners an overview of the challenges inherent to marketing products abroad, and the means to meet those challenges. Globalization is a fact of the modern Business environment, and companies, large and small, are part of it. Yours can be too. Doing business internationally is different from purely domestic business. How? In this workshop, we will identify these issues and obstacles and discuss how to overcome them. 



Title: Implementing Digital Marketing That Actually Makes You Money 

Date(s): September 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, & 24  

Time: 6:30-8:30pm 

Location: Flintridge Center 

Price: $500 -- ½ price in 2015! 

Registration: http://bit.ly/1IeD9HW  



Most business apply an ad hoc effort to their web presence that is only focused on building brand awareness, and is not driven by a true, revenue-oriented strategy and execution.  This class will help you build a complete digital marketing system from the ground up to help your business grow their customer base, drive revenue, and measure success. During this hands-on course you will develop your company’s online presence, from the inbox to the website, and implement a scalable and effective digital execution plan.