Sponsor the Salvation Army 6th Annual Red Kettle Kickoff Breakfast

There’s no place like home, and this year, we want to invite you to our home! The Pasadena Salvation Army’s 6th ANNUAL Red Kettle Kickoff Breakfast will be held at the Pasadena Salvation Army Tabernacle on Thursday November 15, 2019 at 7:00 am. While we take time to reflect on our blessings and all the joy that the holiday season brings, there are many in our community who are not as fortunate.  It is for this very reason that I invite you to be a sponsor of the Pasadena Salvation Army’s 6th ANNUAL Red Kettle Kickoff Breakfast.

As the leader of The Salvation Army in Pasadena, I see firsthand the results of our efforts in Pasadena and the surrounding communities. In 2018 alone, we provided the following important services:

●          8,803 total number of meals/food boxes/sack lunches provided

●          73,000 nights of housing to men/women in recovery and low-income seniors

●          716 Thanksgiving dinners served and 730 Christmas food boxes provided

●          235 clothing vouchers provided

●          1,866 kids received Christmas toys

●          230 kids received back-to-school supplies

●          46 High School girls and boys were provided a prom dress and suits

●          288 weekly attendees in our after-school youth and music programs

●          Approx. 200 children receive weekly backpack meals throughout the year.

Download the flyer here:

I hope you will be able to sponsor and attend our 6th Annual Red Kettle Kickoff Breakfast on November 15th in support of the important mission of The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army’s motto “Doing The Most Good”—is your assurance that your gifts are effectively and efficiently used to serve others. It is through the generosity of people like you that our hungry, homeless and less fortunate neighbors will be embraced and served.


Captain Terry Masango, MSL

Corps Officer

Pasadena Tabernacle

The Salvation Army California South Division

960 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91106

O: 626.773.4414  C: 619.647.2588  F: 626.773.4459


Website: https://pasadena.salvationarmy.org/

Blog:  https://captainterryblog.com/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/terrymasango

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/terry.masango

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