Special Offer for First Time Advertisers: Be a part of the 2024-25 Pasadena Chamber Business Directory & Visitor Guide! 5,000 Directories Printed. NEW AD SIZE/REDUCED PRICE

Special Offer for First Time Advertisers:


Be a part of the 2024-25 Pasadena Chamber Business Directory & Visitor Guide!

5000 Directories Printed.

NEW AD SIZE/REDUCED PRICE: Place your Business Card near your listing in the Directory Section to spotlight your business.

Special cost $350 for 12 months of print and online exposure! Call now to make sure you are in the 2024-25 Directory. 949.322.4765 or email by clicking here.

Take advantage of this unique and special offer and promote your business to your fellow Chamber members, community leaders and potential customers.

For regular ad rates and specs please contact by calling Debra at 949.322.4765 or email pasadenachamberguide@gmail.com

5000 Directories Printed. 10,000 Visitor Guides printed. 15,000+ total reach.