Register your small business for the 23rd annual JPL Small Business Supplier Fair

Don't miss this excellent opportunity!


Get your small business in front of the acquisition experts at JPL!


Find out exactly what Jet propulsion Laboratory procures from our local small bsuinesses!


See if your business can provide a service or product that JPL needs!


Don't miss out! register below!


23rd Annual JPL
Small Business Supplier Fair
October 1, 2019
The Annual JPL Supplier Fair provides a unique opportunity for small businesses to showcase their products and services to the JPL Acquisition and Technical community. The Small Business Programs Office seeks suppliers who offer products and services to help JPL achieve its mission.
Start the application process by clicking the register now bar below. We anticipate 50 small businesses will be selected to participate as exhibitors.
Registration closes on August 30, 2019 at 3:00 PM Pacific. JPL reserves the right to reject incomplete applications submitted after the closing date.