Pasadena soft-story building retrofit requirement timetable begins January 1st - Can your commercial property withstand the expected quake?

In 2019, The City of Pasadena ordinance requiring earthwuake retrofit of soft-story buildings in the city. The timetable for mandatory retrofitting begins January 1, 2020. The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce has member companies that specialize in  retrofitting commercial and residential properties. Contact us for referrrals.

Here is a PasadenaNOW story on the recent study of potential imacts to local communities in the event of an earthquake: :

In early November, the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and our member Optimum Seismic hosted a lunchtime workshop for commercial property owners, Earthquake Alert: Be Prepared to Protect Your Property and Tenants. 100 invited guests heard presentations from Margaret Vinci, Manager of the Seismology Lab, California Institute of Technology; Chief Bertral Washington, Pasadena Fire Department; Ali Sahabi, Chief Operating Officer, & Narek Ekmekjyan, Vice President, Optimum Seismic
Those in attendance heard about  the basics of earthquakes from Margaret Vinci of Caltech, including what happens during an earthquake, how do they imapct structures and how earthquake wves are disbursed. There were also presentations from Ali Shahabi and Optimum Seismic presented current rules and regulations related to retrofitting commercial properties, the economics of retrofitting and how retrofitting can enhance the value of a building. Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington discussed preparedness and the City's mobilization capabilities in the case of emergencies.

Optimum Seismic is offering Chamber member property owners the opprotunity to have a retrofit assessment done AT NO COST. Find out how your building will fare when the shaking starts.

You can get information on retrofitting by contracting Optimum Seismic at

Margaret Vinci of Caltech
Caltech's Margaret Vinci explained the science and impacts of earthquakes.
Ali Sahabi of Optimum Seismic
Ali Sahabi of Optimum Seismic discussed teh economics of retrofitting commercial buildings.










Chief Washington of Pasadena Fire Department
Pasadena Fire Chief Chief Bertral Washington discussed emergency preparedness.
Optimum Seismic at earthquake workshop
Optimum Seismic explained what a retrofit project looks like.