Pasadena Health Officer Allows Restaurants to Offer Dine-in Service, Barbers, Salons and Others to Open with Safety Protocols in Place

Over the weekend, in response to the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, hundreds of protesters staged peaceful demonstrations and vigils in Pasadena. Demonstrators were peaceful and non-confrontational. While some busnesses were potentially disrupted, the demonstrators were respectful in their protests. There were some reports that some individuals tried to breach stores in Old Pasadena Sunday evening, but police responded quickly and damage was reported to be slight.

On Saturday and Sunday, the Pasadena City Manager imposed a curfew. LA County did so for Sunday.

On Friday, May 29, 2020, Pasadena Health Officer Dr. Ying-Ying Goh issued a revised health order allowing for dine-in service at restaurants, salons and barbers to reopen.

Here is the text of the order:


This Order Issued: May 29, 2020

This Order is in effect until rescinded in writing by the Health Officer.

Please read this Order carefully. Violation of or failure to comply with this Revised Order is a crime punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. (California Health and Safety Code §120295.)

SUMMARY OF THE ORDER: California is in a State of Emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a substantial danger to the health of the public within the City of Pasadena. COVID- 19 can easily spread between people who are in close contact with one another. Everyone is at risk for becoming ill with COVID-19, but some people are more vulnerable to serious illness, including pneumonia and organ failure, or death, due to their age, physical state, and/or health status.

The City of Pasadena Health Officer (“Health Officer”) has issued a number of Orders to help slow COVID-19's spread, protect vulnerable individuals, and prevent the healthcare system in the City of Pasadena from being overwhelmed. The Revised Safer at Home Orders, dated March 22, 2020 and supplemented April 11 and May 15 and 26, 2020, issued by the Health Officer, as well as other “Safer at Home” orders issued by other jurisdictions have been proven to slow the spread of COVID-19.

This Order is a limited and measured step to allow the limited re-opening of dine- in restaurants, hair salons, and other businesses, following guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

On May 29, 2020, the California Department of Public Health approved the County of Los Angeles' Variance Attestation Form. The County included the City of Pasadena within its Variance Attestation Form. This Order is issued by the Health Officer through the authority of the Governor's May 4, 2020 Executive Order N-60-20, which directed the State Health Officer to establish criteria for local health officers to implement the re-opening of businesses and spaces. Pasadena is a local health department with a local health officer, and may therefore implement re-openings as mentioned by the Governor, where appropriate.


  1. This Order allows for limited reopening of certain businesses and is consistent with the current Order of the State Health Officer. This Order amends and supplements the March 22, 2020 Revised Safer at Home Order, as supplemented April 11 and May 15 and 26, 2020. With the exception of the re-openings permitted below, nothing in this Order shall be construed as superseding prior orders of the Health Officer.

  2. This Order’s intent is to continue to ensure that City residents remain in their residences as much as practicable, to limit close contact with others outside their households in both indoor and outdoor spaces. All persons who can telework or work from home should continue to do so as much as possible during this pandemic. Nothing in this Order prohibits members of a single household from engaging in activities together, but gatherings of people who are not part of a single household or living unit are prohibited within the City of Pasadena Public Health Jurisdiction, except for the limited purposes expressly permitted by this Order.

  3. People leaving their residences as permitted by this Order must strictly comply with physical distancing measures, including: maintaining six feet or more of distance between individuals from different households, frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol, and wearing a cloth face covering whenever there is or can be contact with others who are non-household members in both public and private places for the purposes of source control.

  4. Effective immediately, on May 29,2020, and continuing until further notice, the Health Officer orders all persons to comply with this Order as follows:

Dine-in restaurants may re-open, subject to compliance with and implementing protocols as set forth at

In-person dining in restaurants requires:

  • Physical distancing measures will be in place.
  • Employees and customers will be screened for symptoms, including cough and fever. Patrons feeling unwell should not eat at a restaurant.
  • Outdoor seating and curbside pickup are prioritized.
  • Reservations are encouraged.
  • Customers will be asked to wait for their table in their cars or outside the restaurant to prevent crowds from gathering.
  • Diners must wear cloth face coverings when not eating.
  • Bar areas will be open for dining only. No alcohol will be served in bar areas.


Hair salons and barbershops may re-open for services limited those that can be provided with both the worker and customer wearing face coverings for the entirety of the service. For example, haircuts, weaves and extensions, braiding, lock maintenance, wig maintenance, hair relaxing treatments, and color services can be provided. Services that cannot be performed with face coverings on both the worker and customer or that require touching the customer’s face, e.g., eyelash services, eyebrow waxing and threading, facials, etc., must be suspended until those types of services are allowed to resume. Re-opening is subject to compliance with and implementing protocols as set forth at

Barbershops and hair salons  re-opening requires:

  • Physical distancing measures will be in place.
  • Employees and customers will be screened for symptoms, including cough and fever. Clients feeling unwell should reschedule their appointment.
  • Everyone, including clients, must wear cloth face coverings while in the salon or barbershop, and clients are encouraged to wear face coverings with earloops to ensure the face covering does not interfere with hair service.
  • Magazines, coffee and other amenities will not be available.
  • Clients are encouraged to use credit cards and contactless payment systems. If electronic or card payment is not possible, customers should come with exact cash payment or check, if available.
  • Stylists may only serve one client at a time.Personal grooming services still closed or prohibited at this time:
  • Nail salons
  • Spa services, including massage, facials and waxing
  • Body art facilities


  1. Drive-in movies may operate, subject to compliance with and implementing protocols as set forth at

  2. Indoor and outdoor flea markets and swap meets may operate, subject to compliance with and implementing protocols as set forth at

  3. Outdoor museums and galleries may re-open, subject to compliance with COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Outdoor Museums and Galleries, found at

  4. Research facilities and laboratories may operate, subject to compliance with applicable guidance from the State Health Officer, including, but not limited to COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Life Sciences, found at, and/or COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Office Workspaces, found at

  5. The above-mentioned businesses shall obey the directives of the State Health Officer ( needs) and relevant protocols and/or guidance issued by the Health Officer ( order/covid-19).

  6. The State Health Officer’s Q&A and Industry Guidance have the same force and effect as other State Health Officer directives, and where referenced by way of this Order, the Health Officer adopts such directives as an order, as well.

  7. The April 11, 2020 Revised Health Order Related to Essential Businesses and Members of the Public Entering Such Businesses shall also apply to businesses and spaces covered by this Order, as well as members of the public who enter such facilities. The Social Distancing Protocols attached as Appendix “A” to the May 15, 2020Revised Health Order must be followed by all Essential Businesses and Non-Essential businesses (

  8. This Order applies to all persons within the City of Pasadena under the Health Officer’s jurisdiction.

  9. Violation of this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment, fine or both under California Health and Safety Code Section 120295. This Revised Order will be enforced by the City of Pasadena Police Department, City Attorney/City Prosecutor’s Office, and/or any other agency designated by the Pasadena City Manager for enforcement.

  10. If any subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Order (or any other prior Order) or any application of it to any person, structure, gathering, or circumstance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, then such decision will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Order (or any other prior Order).


Ying-Ying Goh, MD, MSHS Health Officer, City of Pasadena

Date: May 29, 2020