Pasadena Chamber poses questions to District 1 City Council hopefuls and mayoral candidates-read responses here

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce posed written questions to the candidates for all local races. We asked mayoral, Pasadena City Council candidates and PUSD Board of Trustees candidates to answer questions on their experience, goals and objectives and vision.

For Pasadena City Council, District 1, we received responses from German Acevedo, Pixie Boyden, Tyrone Hampton and Calvin E. Wells.

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce posed several questions to the candidates for Mayor of the City of Pasadena. Five responded: Jason Hardin, Don Morgan, Jacque Robinson, Bill Thomson and Terry Tornek..

We did not get a response from Allen Shay. Jason Hardin contacted us this week and reponded to the survey.

PUSD Board of Education candidate reponses will be published next week.

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce does not endorse individual candidates for office at any level. This information is provided to assist our members in choosing among the candidates.

We are printing the questions and unedited responses. (Responses are provided exactly as they were submitted by each candidate.)

Responses are in the order they were received from the candidates for zCity Council, District 1.


1. Please provide a brief statement of your personal, professional and service background:

Calvin E. Wells: Recently, I retired from the City of Pasadena Fire Department after 35 years of devoted service to the people of Pasadena. During the past three years, I worked in the capacity of Fire Chief overseeing an annual operating budget of $40 million. I remain grateful to the people of Pasadena for a lifetime of professional growth and selfless service to the community.

Currently, I reside in Pasadena with my wife of 24 years (Rhanna) and two children. As a family we continue to be involved in the community with various voluntary activities. Additionally, my wife and I founded Pasadena Pony Youth Baseball Program which is currently in the fifth consecutive year of operation.  

Pixie Boyden: Pixie Boyden is a long time resident of Pasadena and is the proud mother of two young men. Pixie holds a Bachelor’s of Science from the University of Phoenix in Information Technology and a Master’s of Business Administration from Loyola Marymount University. Pixie is currently employed by USC Rossier School of Education as the Management Information Systems Director. Prior to this, she was the Associate Director of IT for Loyola Law School. Pixie gives back to her professional community by teaching at both Citrus Community College and Pasadena City College in the Career and Technical Education departments, and most recently Cal State Dominquez Hills in the Public Policy department. Pixie has a solid operations and compliance management professional background that will allow her to step into the role of Council member immediately.

As an experienced community activist/organizer, who brings more than 12 years of dedicated service to Northwest Pasadena and District 1, Pixie has a proven record of accomplishment for creating meaningful partnerships in order to produce effective plans/projects that increase investment of our community members. 

Pixie has served on numerous City of Pasadena and Pasadena Unified School District Taskforces, Commissions, and Committees since 2002 that have had a positive, long-lasting impact in her community such as the Rose Bowl Operating Company, Northwest Commission (chair), Hahamonga Watershed Advisory committee (chair), Task Force on Good Government just to name a few. Further confirmation of her board service commitment to Pasadena, she has served with ACLU Pasadena, the Latino Heritage Association (Treasure), NATHA, and Women at Work (Board President). She has built strong relationships with City leadership and community activists/advocates over the last 12 years that infuses creativity, tenacity, and the positive change much needed in District 1.

Tyrone Hampton: I am grounded in being a resident and business operator in the great city of Pasadena.  I currently serve as a Pasadena Unified School Board Member.

German Acevedo: I am originally from one of the poorest towns in Oaxaca, Mexico. At an early age, my family knew there was little opportunity in their small town and understood the value of obtaining an education. Facing and overcoming many obstacles, the family managed to relocate to the outskirts of Mexico City where I was able to earn a formal education.

At the age of 21, I moved to Pasadena, California with the dream of pursuing a better life. Working long hours I continued to overcome adversity and enrolled in ESL classes at Pasadena Community Skill Center. Soon after I obtained an AS Degree in Broadcasting from Pasadena City College.

I started my broadcasting career as an intern at Telemundo Channel 52 and has since worked for major television stations in Los Angeles including Univision, NBC, Telemundo, E Entertainment, FOX, ESPN, Channel 22, TVG, and DirecTV. I am presently working in Television Broadcast Production for Time Warner Cable Sports whose line up includes the Los Angeles Lakers, Galaxy, Sparks and Dodgers.

A few years ago, I joined a group of Afro Mexican immigrants from Oaxaca, Mexico. The group worked tirelessly to unify and explore resources that could help their goal of providing aid to many of the little towns they descended from. It was this experience where my passion and belief of understanding social and community issues grew which has ultimately led to my pursuit of making a difference in my community and other people’s lives.

My dedication and commitment to understanding the many issues communities face include supporting neighborhood groups, socio economic issues, public education. 

2. How would you describe your leadership style?

Calvin E. Wells: While at the helm of the Pasadena Fire Department, I maintained an open door policy, displayed an inclusive approach to gathering information and embraced transparency in my decision making. However, during command and control of major emergency incidents, I foster an autocratic leadership style.  In the past, my superiors, peers and subordinates have all agreed that I am approachable, open-minded, fair and firm.

Pixie Boyden: I am a strong leader who is collaborative and inclusive of others input to the decision making process. I believe encouraging people to be creative creates effective teams. I am comfortable setting vision, outcomes and garnering support to see project and plans to successful outcomes. Sometimes this becomes a matter of ensuring that those working with you have the necessary skill and resources to actually be successful in what they are doing.  I believe being accountable to my stakeholders and ensuring effective communication so teams and groups are all on the same page as they move forward together.

Tyrone Hampton: I describe my leadership style as several combinations of the advocate, the partner, and the innovator.

German Acevedo: My leadership style promotes fairness, diplomacy, and a realistic approach to resolving and supporting issues within the local community

3. What qualifies you to serve as a representative of District 1 in Pasadena?

Calvin E. Wells: After 3-1/2 decades of working as a public servant in Pasadena, I have clearly demonstrated the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to get things done. Additionally, I’ve established a thorough understanding of Pasadena’s governance and fiscal management which makes me the ideal candidate and an asset to the City Council. There will not be any learning curve whatsoever as I step into this policy making position. 

Pixie Boyden: To be fully qualified to represent any district, you really have to be able to understand how the community works from the inside out. You have to be in tune with the special nuances that create unique community qualities unlike any other. You must know how your district ties to all others and to those who live it and are dependent on it. After having all of that down, you have to be able to be able to explain and advocate this to people who aren’t aware or have a misperception of your district.   I am qualified to represent District 1 because I have been doing just that for more than 13 years.

Tyrone Hampton: The element that qualifies me to serve as a representative of my district is that fact that I have a vested interest in preservation and strengthen my community as a resident.  As I walk my community and look through the varied lens, there is great value to enhance, innovate and strengthen.  There is a great need to collaborate, and be entrenched my community.

German Acevedo: We need politicians with a heart that cares about those not so fortunate and need help to improve their lives, someone that cares about the common people and not just the priviledge ones around them.  I have a lot of heart!

4. What is the single most important issue facing Pasadena at this time? Why?

Calvin E. Wells: Fiscal responsibility and stability remains a top priority during an era of ever diminishing resources (vehicle license fees, redevelopment fees, etc.). To add insult to injury, the recently disclosed embezzlement allegations and unspeakably poor accounting oversight is a cause for concern. There is now a prevailing environment that lacks trust and confidence in public employees.  This is a time to lead and demonstrate to the community at large that best practices are in place and being followed.  

How would you address that issue?

I am an advocate of accountability and transparency in government. As such, I will ensure that all public employees are held accountable from the top to the bottom of the organization. 

The alleged person(s) responsible for the embezzled funds must be held liable from a criminal and civil standpoint. I will encourage the City of Pasadena to aggressively pursue all person assets of those responsible. On the administrative side of the equation, a fruitful investigation of the facts shall be completed expeditiously so that all employees involved are disciplined as appropriate including but not limited to termination of their employment.

Pixie Boyden: An important issue facing Pasadena right now is the lack of relevant resources for the residents. Pasadena has changed significantly, as you might guess over the last decade or more and as the City, business community, and residents adapt to the changes, it has become clear that things we needed 20 years ago are not necessarily the focal needs of today. I believe this creates strong disconnects in all segments in the city as people deal with the changes. Change is hard for everyone and when you have things that have always worked, it seem reasonable to continue to what you have always been doing.  Unfortunately partial cause of the disconnects to relevant resource provision can be attributed to the changes in the overall national and regional economic structures.

How would you address that issue?

One way to address this issue is to look systemically at the root cause and begin to make the changes there. In this case, creating a stronger and more diverse economic base within the city will support stability during a changing economy which we know will happen. The jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities Pasadena residents explored in years past likely are very different now and the direction of those opportunities for future growth will be significantly different in the future. We have to not only prepare ourselves to be “job ready” when the opportunities arise, we also have to become the incubator for innovative and sustainable industry. This will allow for implementation of vocational and workforce educational programs to support the different types of industry we ultimately create. We have to identify relevant industry goals and then prepare our workforce to help achieve them.

Tyrone Hampton: There is no single most important issue facing Pasadena, it is a combination of multiple issues that impact our great city.  It is the capital we need from varied federal, state and local program that could shift and diminish, which will bring a great need for us to serve smarter and wiser when it comes to resources and programs.  We must ensure that we serve all, ensuring that all stakeholders have a great quality of life.  We need to establish better systems of accountability and accept responsibility when it calls.

How would you address that issue?

The process to address the varied issues will be a matter of listening to the varied stakeholders, the needs and desires for enhancing and strengthen, and work closely with them to develop strategies, methods, programs that are beneficial for serving the community, providing for the community, giving the community a voice in the process for change when necessary.

German Acevedo: Equality, we need to start caring about how low income families live in Pasadena.

Low wages and skyrocketing rents are making it impossible for some to live in this beautiful city. 

How would you address that issue?

Let’s start sharing the economic development north of Pasadena and not just in the richest parts of town.

5. What is the biggest issue facing the District you would like to represent at this time?

Calvin E. Wells: An adverse impact to neighborhoods before, during and after Rose Bowl stadium displacement events is a major issue of residents.  

How would you address that issue?

As a councilmember, I would closely scrutinize the type, nature and expected attendance of all proposed displacement events. It is also important to ensure my appointed representative to the RBOC pays particular attention to proposals as well. Additionally, I will propose a proactive traffic plan which includes but is not limited to addressing overflow parking, enhancement of Rose Bowl shuttle service, and, the use of environmentally friendly compressed natural gas (CNG) buses to help reduce the adverse impact to our neighborhoods. The aforementioned actions will collectively ease the burden on neighbors as we work to gain better control of the number of displacement events held within the venue.

Pixie Boyden: District 1 has large complex issues that you cannot decouple from one another. Recently our issues have been verbalized and written about in local media outlets in terms of community violence. You cannot talk about community violence without talking about the root causes of it which I firmly believe are related to underemployment, affordable housing gaps, impacts of social despair, as well as a few other issues.

How would you address that issue?

I would start to address this issue though the support of successful community based employment training focused programs and provide the leadership to create effective collaboration of these successful programs with other complementary programs to replicate them throughout the district. By achieving this, individuals will have increased employment options thus allowing them provide for their families in more positive option based ways. If course you have to look at where this newly training and gainfully employed individual will reside. We will have to address issues of lack of workforce housing and other affordable options.  I think this can begin to be done through an effective review of our cities policies that impact the types of affordable housing available in the city and the ways it is or isn’t produced. If there an individual who was gainfully employed with their housing needs being met to support their families, it is less likely this individual would be inclined to be in a state of social despair and participating in negative violent behaviors. Options and alternatives with positive reinforcement through supportive structures are effective pathways to reduce community violence.

Tyrone Hampton: There is a major disconnection with the constituents and varied service elements prior to when there is a major issue such as public safety issues.  The recent events involving a lot of activity centered with gangs and gun violence brings us to the question of how are we making a difference for the next future generations.  What foundations and elimination of barriers are we as a community each a partner developing?  The answers does not just lie in me, but it lies in the thought of WE as the community.

How would you address that issue?

Again to address the issue, we must develop a stronger line of communication with supports to ensure that the community is privy and part of the decision making process.  We begin by asking the community what are your needs and ask for recommended solutions, then from those needs assessments develop plans of action, resource and programs for implementation.

German Acevedo: It’s not just one, we need economic development on District 1, more jobs, decent wages and affordable housing.

How would you address that issue?

Incentives for businesses to relocate in the north of Pasadena.

6. What do you see as the biggest issue facing your district’s business community at this time? Why?

Calvin E. Wells: The district has made significant progress with the implementation of the Lincoln Avenue specific plan. However, we need to continue working to attract more businesses to the Lincoln corridor.  Residents are still required to leave our neighborhood in order to gain access to basic services.

How would you address that issue?

I will collaborate with the various stakeholders to attract businesses into our neighborhood.  More important, I will be auditing the planning and building permitting process to identify barriers to success.  Then, I will work through city staff to ensure the process is streamlined to the fullest extent possible. 

Pixie Boyden: I think a major issue facing the business community is that of sustainable economics. It is difficult to maintain and cost effective manners when policy dictates practices in ways that do not always support sustainability.

How would you address that issue?

I would collaboratively evaluate the public policies that are in need of revision and negatively affecting the district keeping a keen focus on support positive economic growth. Poste evaluation, would be implementing revisions to the policies that no longer fit the times or are not achieving the intended outcomes.

Tyrone Hampton: Economic isolation. Why ? No incentives

How would you address that issue?

Give incentives to open a business in northwest Pasadena , credits to refurbish long-standing businesses.

German Acevedo: Not enough of them.  We need to attract them to give northwest Pasadena a chance.

7. Pasadena has a strong and diverse economy. What would you do to support and grow that economy?

Calvin E. Wells: I will work closely with my colleagues on the city council to continue the effort to sustain an ecosystem of innovation throughout the city. There has been an increase in innovative company start-ups. This initiative must be encouraged, supported and expanded to the fullest extent possible in order to increase employment opportunities throughout the greater Pasadena area.

Pixie Boyden: I would foster and cultivate new industry and entrepreneurial activities in ways that support sustainable economic growth. I believe in engaging the community around shared visions and sustainable solutions that support a healthy economy.

Tyrone Hampton: Make Pasadena destination for Los Angeles bound travelers.

8. Business interests perceive Pasadena as a city that is unfriendly to growth. They point to multiple layers of approvals, gridlock in the Planning and Permitting Department and a commission system designed to forestall growth. Do you agree? Please provide examples to support your answer.

Calvin E. Wells: I agree there are issues associated with development interests. However, there are tangible things that can be done to streamline processes, increase efficiency, improve workflow and establish a more customer-friendly business model.

More technical people are needed in order to address workload demands.  Since the layoffs that occurred in 2010, the department runs with 50% less employees in every section while workloads (new projects) have increased by 50%. This is a major contributing factor to the bottleneck issues being experienced.  

There are several internal issues that have resulted in a lack of uniformity in code interpretation, application and standard operating procedures. This situation only serves to confuse contractors, homeowners, developers, and, the regulated community at large.

Pixie Boyden: I think there is some evidence to support potential inefficient processes that could and should be reviewed for streamlining. In my career, evaluation of such things is commonplace (or at least for me it is) with the intent to create cycles of continuous improvement. As the commission member and at various points chair of commissions, I have heard from developers firsthand the complexities experienced as projects move through the “process’ to completion. I do think there are always better ways to achieve the same goals if we are deliberate about changing the experience for those wanting to develop in the city.

Tyrone Hampton: After I had already lived in my home for at least a year, the city came and performed an occupancy inspection. This seemed like a poor utilization of their time. Interestingly, when they inspected my home, they found a code violation that existed in my home prior to my purchase and I was charged a fine. If there was a larger focus on code enforcement inspections, this issue would have been taken on by the prior owner of my home, and I would not have been unfairly fined.

German Acevedo: We need to make it easy on the approval process for permits.

9. Los Angeles is considering a hike in the minimum wage to at least $13 per hour and as much as $15 per hour. Some in Pasadena are advocating a similar increase to $15 per hour here. Do you support or oppose such an increase in Pasadena? What impact will it have on Pasadena’s businesses and our economy?

Calvin E. Wells: I do not give wholesale support to an increase across the board. Any increase in the minimum wage rate should be incremental in nature and proportioned based on the size of the impacted employers operation (number of employees).  An increase to $15 per hour has the ability to drive mom and pop operations completely out of business.   It would simply not be sustainable for many of our small business owners.

Pixie Boyden: I support an increase in the minimum wage in Pasadena. Understanding clearly that for every action there is a reaction, this increase will of course have some impact to the business sector and economy in Pasadena. I do think a phased approach might be prudent to properly evaluate the impact to not just Pasadena but also to our place in the region.

Tyrone Hampton: I would need to consult with the business office first.

German Acevedo: I do support an increase on the minimum wage for businesses that can afford it.  I know that there are small businesses that such an increase will be devastating so we need to look into the amount of revenue for each business.

10. Pasadena is a community known for innovation. How would you support entrepreneurship and the creative economy in Pasadena?

Calvin E. Wells: In addition to my response to the economy based question above, I would work hard to encourage my colleagues on the city council to support and promote the concept of business incubator installations. This would help level the playing field for smaller entities and contribute to advancing Pasadena as a center for technology and high-tech companies.    

Pixie Boyden: I would support opportunities for business growth and development as well as increased training and school to business internships programs that I believe will enhance innovation and creativity. We will have to do things “differently” if we are planning a different outcome. Promoting the next generation of entrepreneurs with inspiring connective activities with the local business community will support a creative economy base throughout Pasadena.

Tyrone Hampton: Incentivize businesses to open the Northwest Pasadena.

German Acevedo: We need to provide the tools that every entrepreneur needs to succeed by helping them get loans or grants for the projects.

10. What else would you like the members of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce to know about you or your candidacy?

Calvin E. Wells: I want the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce to understand my willingness to work tirelessly to attract, promote and sustain business enterprises in Pasadena. I subscribe to the concept of patronizing our local businesses before giving any consideration to going beyond our city limits. 

Pixie Boyden: I am a strong collaborative leader that supports and understand the needs of business, community, and municipalities. Because of the public service activities, I have happily engaged in over the last 13 years, I have built very strong relationships with city leadership and community members that is critical in moving us all together in a forward motion. I believe that District 1 has hidden untapped potential that supports the city’s goals for a sustainable economy. We need to begin to explore how to foster and nurture the economic potential within the community as we are addressing the needs moving forward. I am the person to do this.

German Acevedo: I am someone that came to the United States with nothing and managed to have a career.  I want to provide the help that low income families need to succeed in life, that will be my top priority, I will be do everything on my power to make it happen.



1. Please provide a brief statement of your personal, professional and service background:

Don Morgan:

I am a business owner and Professor of Public Policy at the University of Southern California. My work has focused on crafting innovative policy solutions and I have a 20-year track record of bringing public and private organizations together with residents to align their work so that they may have a bigger impact than working alone.

In Pasadena, I’ve worked actively with city management on important projects including shared housing for seniors, workforce housing, creation of a governance structure for the School, City, and Community Workplan (Collaborate PASadena), management of the Arroyo Seco, Pasadena Jobs Center, Key Performance Indicators for PUSD and bike share programs. 

Outside of work, I devote a considerable amount of time to service organizations in our area, including Urban Compass – an enrichment program for students in the Watts neighborhood – which I co-founded, College Access Plan, Mending Kids International, KidSpace and Jesuit Volunteer Corps. I also volunteer on my children’s soccer and Little League teams.

My wife Whitney and I have four children and live in the Madison Heights neighborhood in Pasadena.

Terry Tornek:

I am a graduate of Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, and also hold a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from Columbia University’s School of Architecture. I am a veteran. I have been married for 48 years to my high school sweetheart; we have 3 married children and 7 grandchildren – all living nearby.

I came to Pasadena in 1982 to take the job of City Planning Director & focus on the revitalization of Old Pasadena, which I continued after I left the City.

I have been in private real estate development & management since 1985; in my own company since 1999.

I was appointed to the Planning Commission by Sid Tyler in 2005 & also served on the Design Commission.

I was elected to the City Council from District 7 in 2009 & reelected in 2013. I am Chairman of the Finance Committee & serve on the Municipal Services Committee & the Fire and Police Retirement Board.

As a volunteer, I served on the Board of Pasadena Neighborhood Housing Services for neartly 20 years & now serving as Treasurer of LIBC Housing, a non-profit that has built 7,500 units of affordable housing statewide.

I am Pasadena’s representative on the San Gabriel Council of Governments & I am Treasurer of the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport authority.

Jacque Robinson:

Vice Mayor Jacque Robinson is serving her second term as member of the Pasadena City Council, District 1. Born and raised in Pasadena, Jacque is a lifetime Pasadena and a product of the district she now represents. 

Robinson has played an integral role in ushering the City through one of the worst economic recessions in recent times.  Her recent work has included helping pass a balanced city budget for just the second time in more than a decade, leading the fight for local hiring on several high profile city projects including the Rose Bowl Stadium renovation, adoption of a zoning plan to spur economic development along the Lincoln Avenue corridor, and continuing collaborative work as the founder of the Pasadena/Altadena Vision 20/20 Initiative aimed at decreasing violence and providing education and employment opportunities for high-risk, high-need youth, young adults, and their families. Ms. Robinson has worked professionally on electoral campaigns for multiple labor unions including the Service Employees International Union and the California Teachers Association. She has also taught as adjunct faculty at Pasadena City College. Vice Mayor Robinson’s current leadership roles on the City Council include Chair of the Public Safety Committee, Chair of the Foothill Workforce Investment Policy Board, Board Member to the historic Gamble House, and Commissioner to the Bob Hope Airport Authority. She also serves as a member of the Economic Development & Technology and Legislative Policy committees.

Bill Thomson:

I had the honor and distinction of serving as the Mayor of Pasadena and representing District 7 on the City Council for sixteen years.  Currently, I am an elected Trustee of Pasadena City College, President of the Pasadena Educational Foundation, member of the Board of the Pasadena Museum of History, member and past President of the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center, and former member and President of the Rose Bowl Operating Company, among many civic activities in Pasadena.  My website,, contains a more complete list of my civic activities. 

In my professional life, I am an Intellectual Property attorney, specializing in litigation of patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret matters.  I litigate Intellectual Property cases in Court and jury trials and before the International Trade Commission.

Jason Hardin:

I am a local publisher and entrepreneur that knows how to overcome challenges and create opportunities for myself as well as for others.  I created “The DENA Magazine”, to showcase, promote, and recognize local talents, businesses, and achievements, in an effort to encourage the economic and social development of our community, particularly our underserved neighborhoods.   I am part of Neighborhood Connections’ Pasadena Neighborhood Leadership Institute and a recent graduate of the Vision 20/20 Community Violence Intervention/Prevention program.  We were instrumental in bringing a volunteer-based early literacy program to Madison Elementary, in hopes of lowering the 39% of children who aren’t reading at grade level.  I’m a mentor of Pasadena City College’s Ujima program and a frequent motivational speaker for local schools and organizations involving the youth.  I volunteer everywhere from Reading Partners to Brookside Golf Club, and I love every moment of it.  I’ve taught free entrepreneurship classes and showed people how to turn their interests into income.  I’m also a sponsor of the City of Pasadena’s “Pasadena Idol” Teen Talent program and I instruct a Music Business class for the participants.  When I’m not volunteering or managing my publication, you can find me donating management and branding services to local small businesses and worthy organizations.

2. How would you describe your leadership style?

Don Morgan:

My style is centered on a collaborative approach. I work with all sides, listen to their views and then attempt to craft consensus and shared goals. I’ve had a great deal of success working to bring different types of organizations and individuals together to confront public policy challenges in areas ranging from education to housing to conservation.

I also believe strongly that we need to pursue innovative solutions rather than simply repeat what has been done in the past. I actively seek out new ideas and the best practices from other organizations and cities and bring these concepts to the table to help all parties approach old problems with a new set of eyes.

Terry Tornek: I am well prepared& collaborative, but I am also willing to advocate.

Jacque Robinson: Cooperative, hands-on, engaging, thoughtful, firm.

Bill Thomson: My leadership style is to work with people, reach agreement on what is to be done and how to accomplish it, and then get it done.  In terms of style and temperament, Bill Bogaard and I are very similar.  As I mentioned above, I’ve served as Mayor of Pasadena, and I know what the job is and how to do it.  My record of civic involvement demonstrates that I have the experience, trust, and ability to work effectively with our citizens and get results.  Examples of my record are fostering the re-birth of Old Pasadena, the One Colorado project, which includes Il Fornaio Restaurant, J. Crew, Patagonia, and many other stores, bringing UCLA to the Rose Bowl, creation of the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center, and redevelopment of what is now the Langham Hotel in keeping with Pasadena’s architectural heritage. 

Jason Hardin: My leadership style is based on constant learning.  I make it a point to best understand any issue before taking a position.  I believe in being a true representative of the entire population of our city and serve as the voice of so many in our community whom are often unheard.  I am known for being firm, fair, and honest in all I do, as well as remaining accessible, respectful, and compassionate to everyone.  Through hands-on involvement and participation, I plan to bring a new level of energy and accountability to the Council and entire city staff.

3. What qualifies you to serve as Mayor of Pasadena?

Don Morgan: The City Charter establishes two important jobs for the Mayor: set priorities for the entire city (in consultation with residents) and set the agenda for the City Council.

I have 20 years of experience that no other candidate has that has prepared me to be the chief promoter of great policy and vision for Pasadena. Bill Bogaard and I have discussed, and tend to agree that the mayor's greatest opportunity to impact our community positively is to use the mayoral platform to shine a light on the best efforts in our city and attract attention and investment in our greatest opportunities.

That’s exactly the type of work I’ve done as a fundraiser for nonprofits and as a professor of public policy at USC. My focus and work has always been directed at bringing residents, public and private organizations together - this is the only way we are going to make any progress in Pasadena on some of our more intractable issues like education, housing, or economic development.

I also understand how the city works, having partnered with agencies on a number of important projects that I mentioned above. I have experience bringing the best ideas to Pasadena and create plans to put those ideas into practice.

At the same time, I bring with me a fresh perspective on what we can do better as a city. Pasadena residents are still reeling from the discovery of an alleged theft of $6.4 million in taxpayer money – theft that took 11 years to uncover. One big reason our systems have been proven so vulnerable is because we are using systems put in place 40 years ago by people who have been involved in government for 40 years. The fact that we only stumbled upon the fraud accidentally after it had gone on for over a decade demonstrates our need for a new vision for creating better internal controls, greater transparency, and innovative measures for performance. That is what I will bring to the mayor's office. ​

Terry Tornek: My combination of education, professional training, business experience, & public service make be the best qualified candidate.

Jacque Robinson: The next Mayor of the City needs to be an experienced policy maker who can work cooperatively and respectfully across all stakeholders of this community – fellow Councilmembers, residents, business, and visitors. The next Mayor needs to be a person who is actively engaged in not just speaking, but listening intently to the needs and concerns of all of Pasadena.  The next Mayor needs to be an individual who is focused on preserving the best of our past with an eye towards our future. I have earned a reputation across the community for all of these characteristics and more. As an 8 year Councilmember and Vice Mayor for the past two years, as well as my participation on multiple regional committees on behalf of the city, I have the personal and policy related experience to move Pasadena Forward and work not just within our city limits, but with our neighboring cities as well.

Bill Thomson: I’m the only candidate who has served as Mayor, a position unlike any other.  The Mayor is not a figurehead – the Mayor is the leader of the City and the community.  The Mayor of Pasadena must be able to get the City – Councilmembers, City Manager, and Staff – to work together, and with the community.  The Mayor must have the experience and ability to work effectively with people and achieve results.  As my career demonstrates, I have done that, and I will do it again. 

Jason Hardin: I represent the diversity, challenges, and resilience of the people that live here.  Aside from my positive work and life experiences, my negative experiences gives me the first-hand understanding required to properly address some of our most complex and sensitive issues.  I work in the trenches of our community where I ‘m bombarded with the most heart-breaking of situations on a daily basis.  If there’s a candidate more qualified than me to lead the entire population of Pasadena, I challenge them to show me.

4. What is the single most important issue facing Pasadena at this time? Please explain why?

Don Morgan: First, I believe job creation and economic development in Pasadena need to be a top priority of our next mayor and I made this topic the center of the first public forum of my campaign.

This issue is so critical because it is really the foundation of the strength of our city. If we want stronger schools, lower crime and a better quality of life; we need to have good-paying jobs. And we know our city has a long way to go to support our local businesses.

The good news is our economy is improving – with unemployment falling to 5.9% this year, down from the difficult high of 9.7% just four years ago. But unemployment is still above the “full employment” years in the middle of the last decade, when the rate hit a low of 3.6 percent.

But the sad fact is that while the economy has improved dramatically for some, the gains have not been evenly distributed. And as the economy has improved, the costs of living in a city like Pasadena have also begun to rise rapidly, particularly the cost of housing, meaning that middle class and working class families are under even more pressure.

A city government can only do so much. There are international, national, state and regional forces that all affect our economy here in Pasadena. But just because we can only do so much doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do everything in our power, because when our economy is improving for everyone it makes every single goal of our city government easier to achieve.

How would you address that issue?

I firmly believe Pasadena can be the center of Southern California’s innovation economy. We can use our connections to such world-class economic innovators as Caltech, the Arts Center College of Design and the Jet Propulsion Lab to illustrate the tremendous assets already in place to support business development.

As mayor, I will be a vocal proponent of our city and use the megaphone of the office to encourage businesses to locate in Pasadena. We need to aggressively market Pasadena, streamline permitting and create a culture in City Hall that is “customer service” oriented so that we’re not creating unreasonable hurdles for employers, especially small businesses, who want to locate in Pasadena or expand their existing businesses.

City Hall also has much work to be done in continuously working with existing businesses. Rather than simply waiting until a business is preparing to renew its lease, city leaders must partner with businesses to ensure that our collective success strengthens all of Pasadena. 

Terry Tornek: Improving Pasadena’s financial strength is the most important issue facing us because without a sound financial foundation, the City cannot support the many programs that it maintains & provide high quality services to its residents and businesses.

How would you address that issue?

We must control expenses, particularly the personnel costs that represent 70% of the Budget & continue to grow our economy; particularly the areas where Pasadena has a competitive advantage: innovation, hospitality, health care & education.

Jacque Robinson: We face the struggle of how to maintain our status as a leading city with excellent neighborhood and business services to all while also balancing the realities of our fiscal limitations in the context of skyrocketing retirement and pension obligations.

How would you address that issue?

Work in partnership with our employee bargaining groups, set priorities with residents to move forward in a methodical way that addresses current needs while ensuring we have enough funds to address major future issues.

Bill Thomson: The most immediate and pressing issue is the embezzlement of $6.4 million from the City’s Underground Utility fund, which, amazingly, occurred over eleven years!  I will work to clean up City Hall and find out what is happening with our taxpayers’ money.  The City Council oversight system -- the Finance and Municipal Services Committees of the Council -- obviously failed.  Every person who was involved or not doing the job properly should be terminated. 

 There must be a thorough and complete public review of the Underground Utility fund as well as all of the City’s 131 funds on a regular basis, with the results made available publicly.  I will have the State Controller brought in to do a thorough audit.  The public must know:  What happened?  How it happened?  And, be certain that it will NEVER happen again!

One important aspect of the embezzlement issue is who really discovered the fraud and got the outside audit by KPMG.  I would encourage all to contact the City Clerk and get the link to the full 1 hour 21 minutes audio of the May 13, 2014 Municipal Services Committee of the City Council.  After listening to the audio, draw your own conclusion as to who was the moving force for getting the audit and is responsible for uncovering this.

How would you address that issue?

I’ve answered this in my response to the preceding question.

Jason Hardin: At the moment, public safety has to be the most important issue.  The recent rise in shootings that have lead to multiple cases of serious injury and death, is making huge negative impact in our city.  These incidents literally destroy lives, raise property value, and leave citizens terrified to leave (or even be in) their homes.  This also leads to racial tension & divide, extreme hyper vigilance of officers & citizens,  and  a community that looks and feels like a “Police State”.

How would you address that issue?

I would start by effectively marketing and promoting the components of the Vision 20/20 Initiative to the general public.  I would partner the City with organizations and other groups and set up intake and informational booths in our most troubled areas, to offer valuable resources & services to at-risk, impoverished, and gang-impacted individuals.  I will promote and establish programs geared to empowering young people, teaching them valuable life skills, and preparing them for success and leadership.  Particularly, I will support the implementation of K’Rahn Valentine’s “Live Above The Hype” life skills curriculum in our public high schools.  I would also urge the reassessment of the hiring practices of our Police Department, to identify ways we can better fill the vacancies on the force, so they may be fully staffed and more responsive to emergencies.  I will encourage more public participation and community events in our parks and neighborhoods, as well as continue to be an inspiration to the young people of our community and lead by a positive example.

5. What do you see as the biggest issue facing Pasadena’s business community at this time? Why?

Don Morgan: I have spoken to a number of business leaders in Pasadena who share with me their frustration from dealing with often-antiquated systems at City Hall. I understand this – we have businesses using cutting edge 21st century technology dealing with agencies that often rely on paper applications and Wite-Out (as we’ve seen all too clearly recently).

Businesses take the brunt of this inefficiency with the permitting and inspection processes that are unpredictable, expensive, untimely, slow, and debilitating. There is no reason why we are not able to create a stable, transparent, and agile city government to help businesses function more effectively.

How would you address that issue?

We need to have more transparent, more responsive and more effective government. That comes from updating our systems but we also need to update our attitudes to make sure City Hall is approaching business development and recruitment with a customer-service oriented attitude. In a time when other cities are aggressively courting new businesses, we cannot afford to be idle and hope that the benefits of Pasadena the city are enough to overshadow the problems with Pasadena city government.

I have tremendous respect for city employees, most of whom work very hard for this city. New leadership in the Mayor’s Office can help galvanize the potential of these workers with new ideas that can make Pasadena a model for effective city government and a real partner for area business owners.

The mayor can also help brand our city as a community ready to support thriving businesses. The mayor can lead a buy and operate local initiative. And the mayor can go outside of Pasadena to help bring investment to our community to strengthen business development.

Terry Tornek: Pasadena’s business community’s challenges are varied; no single issue. Retailers are confronting a region that is over-retailed & with powerful competition in Glendale & Arcadia.

Hospitality & entertainment are growing but must cooperate to create a powerful brand. The Chamber can play a useful role in making certain that business has an effective voice in ongoing City policy deliberations.

How would you address that issue?

Support the business efforts sector by sector.

Jacque Robinson: The business community must strike a fair balance between large new developers and existing long-time, often small businesses across the city. Each of their needs are different and that needs to be taken into account in policy implementation. One size does not fit all. We suffer from a sense of overdevelopment south of the 210 and underdevelopment/business assistance north of the 210.

How would you address that issue?

As Mayor, I propose we increase the staffing in our Planning department to lower the caseload of staff so that they may better serve our business and residential customers.  Too many developers have gotten lost in the “weeds” of our many city requirements and processes.  We need to not be so heavy handed in code enforcement on our small businesses and allow them ample time to come to compliance. We need to re-examine our loading policies for business in Old Pasadena and elsewhere because excessive ticketing when businesses are just trying to load/unload their goods is a discouragement to business owners and the vendors they deal with. We need to decrease heavy ticketing in the business districts to encourage customers to come back and patronize.

Bill Thomson: We must work to bring business to Pasadena.  Why do business leave Pasadena?  Avery Dennison, after 30 plus years in Pasadena, moved its headquarters to Glendale.  Why?  What did we do to keep it here?  How can we attract business to Pasadena?  These are critical questions that must be answered, and steps taken to make sure that Pasadena is a business friendly community. 

I will work with property owners, developers, and our community to develop business plans for areas such as Northwest Pasadena, South Lake Avenue, and East Colorado Boulevard that have an abundance of vacancies, and then go after the type of businesses we want in Pasadena.  I will work to build an Economic Retention team to work with Pasadena businesses to keep them in Pasadena and to go after businesses we want to come to Pasadena.  We must review the fees the city charges and its regulations to insure that they are fair and realistic.  I will also work to avoid micro-management by City Hall and our politicians.  The culture of City Hall must be changed to be friendly and welcoming to businesses.

How would you address that issue?

I’ve addressed this in my response to the preceding question.

Jason Hardin: Perhaps the biggest issue facing Pasadena’s business community, is the lack of effort our local government makes to support the success of local establishments.  With the high cost of commercial rent and multiple levels of red tape, Pasadena should be more proactive in keeping local businesses operating so that they may continue to contribute to our local economy, provide desired goods and services at competitive prices,  and offer employment and career opportunities to residents.

How would you address that issue?

I support the implementation of classes, workshops, and business coaches designed to work closely with local companies, to help them identify the many challenges and opportunities unique to Pasadena.  By better servicing local businesses and preparing them to capitalize from our major events, powerful brand, and global market, we will be giving them the tools required to strive even in the harshest of recessions. 

6. Pasadena has a strong and diverse economy. What would you do to support and grow that economy?

Don Morgan: Last year the city reduced the cost for a business license from $390 to $1 for one year. That may be a nice gesture but I don’t know any business owners who are making decisions about where to locate based on a one-time savings of $389.

What if instead, we had a City Hall that was a partner with our business community? One that heard them out on the challenges they face and looked to address those issues. For example, we can work with businesses and Internet service providers to cut costs for retrofitting an older structure for high speed Internet. Or we could borrow a good idea from San Jose in offering discounted parking in city-owned parking lots to workers of nearby businesses to help them cut costs.

These are just two suggestions but the larger point is that I will work to be an active partner with our business community in identifying challenges and finding solutions that work – not just the old way of doing city business.

Terry Tornek: Emphasize our strengths and make certain that we support ongoing efforts to supply local labor with the proper training.

Jacque Robinson: We need to grow our arts and creative sectors and encourage these types of uses to other parts of the city like Lincoln/Hill/N. Lake Avenue.  We have to have a focused initiative to grow neighborhood economies north of the 210 freeway and look to Old Pasadena/S. Lake/Playhouse as best practice examples.  I support a yearly or bi-yearly business roundtable to assist small businesses in growing their business/walking the through the various ways the city can be of service to them.

Bill Thomson: I will work with the Chamber of Commerce and businesses directly to understand and to address the problems they face.  As is noted in the next question and as I addressed above, Pasadena is not seen as a business friendly community.  It is not easy or straightforward to go through the City’s planning process and the various commissions and committees.  This must be addressed and changed.  As I stated, I will work to have in place an effective Economic Retention team that will work to keep businesses here and also work with prospective businesses to help them go through the system and open a business here.  With the many vacancies in Pasadena, this will be a key priority for me. 

Jason Hardin: I would help support and grow our local economy by better leveraging Pasadena’s strong brand power.  I believe that our city can create an abundance of new opportunities and jobs, by attracting new businesses and resources through the use of tapping into a global market.  Pasadena is a world-famous city, meaning that we can very easily create a worldwide demand for local products, services, and influence.  I would also push to establish workshops dedicated towards assisting the success of local businesses and entrepreneurs, while connecting them to valuable networks, resources, and new markets.

7. Many business interests perceive Pasadena as a city that is unfriendly to growth. They point to multiple layers of approvals, gridlock in the Planning and Permitting Department and a commission system designed to forestall economic growth. Do you agree or disagree? Please explain why?

Don Morgan: I have heard from many business owners that this is a major problem and believe it’s one that needs to be addressed. 

This is an area where I can bring a fresh perspective to City Hall. We don’t need to get bogged down in old bureaucracies and systems that aren’t serving anyone well; instead, we should look at the best ideas and bring them to Pasadena. It is difficult to imagine how anything is going to change in our city if the same people remain in charge. If our city was going to improve for businesses, then why hasn’t it already under the current and past city councils?

One idea that could be particularly helpful to our businesses and developers is to task city caseworkers with helping liaison with the multiple agencies that handle permits and approvals on large projects. This would give developers a single point of contact rather than having to deal with a dozen different departments. This is an approach that has been tried in other cities with success and one we should explore for Pasadena.

We can also look at ways that we can better track our permitting processes online, which will not only give businesses more information on the status of applications but will also provide the City with better data on how our processes work and what are the areas and causes of delays.

Terry Tornek: The “MATRIX” study of the Planning Dept. recommended 200+ changes and many have already been implemented speeding processing. We still have a long way to go.

When I was Planning Director, I would periodically work at the counter to test the customer experience. We need to restore a more hands-o management style and develop a culture of cooperation rather than confrontation.

Jacque Robinson: Yes because I have personally seen the frustration that our multiple layers of red tape has caused to businesses I have actively been working to recruit to the Lincoln Avenue corridor. One is a result of too high caseloads from staff in planning. The economy is coming back and we need to account for that. But another is a streamlined system of checks and balances that prevents mistakes during the development process and a clear path to completion for projects.

Bill Thomson: See my response above. 

Jason Hardin: I believe Pasadena actually promotes “smart” growth, however the issue of limited space has led some of these steps to become necessary.  We have to make the most of each development opportunity, and that takes assessing the needs and character of the area, as well as the consideration of public comments, concerns, and suggestions.  With so many factors to consider in each development process, in addition to affordable housing, preservation issues, environmental impacts, and zoning, making the best decision can often take some time.  What we have to do is keep the public better educated on the entire process and continue to provide the best customer service that we possibly can.

8. Los Angeles is considering a hike in the minimum wage to at least $13 per hour and as much as $15 per hour over the next few years. Some in Pasadena are discussing growing our local minimum wage to $15 per hour. Do you support or oppose such an increase in Pasadena? What impact do you think it will have on our businesses and economy?

Don Morgan: One of the lessons we can take from past economic expansions is that when our middle class is thriving, that’s great for business. That means more customers who can spend more and create a virtuous cycle of growth and prosperity.

I do support higher wages on a federal, statewide and perhaps even broadly regional level because it would help families that have been struggling get by without government assistance and build a stronger foundation for their futures.

At the same time, we have to be aware of the impact on business – particularly small businesses if we did this on a city by city basis. A sudden increase would be impossible for these enterprises to absorb and the cities themselves could just see businesses leave to lower cost, neighboring cities. That’s why my preference is for a phased-in, regional approach for smaller businesses so they can adjust to the changes and plan for shifts to their profits and losses.

I also think it is important to work with businesses to look at waivers for people under 18, internships and work training programs. Finally, we must calculate full compensation into the hourly wage to make sure employers are able to demonstrate additional benefits like gratuities, meals, health benefits, parking, etc. 

I have spent a great deal of time in recent weeks talking with business owners like Paul Pernecky, Pete Gallanis, Robin Salzer, R-Lene de Lang, and others to make sure their voices are an important part of this discussion. I pledge to continue to participate in the wage discussion with the business community at my side to ensure that we are not enacting any policy that will drive these important businesses out of Pasadena.

Terry Tornek: I support the increase once Los Angeles moves ahead. We must have discussion with each business type to determine what fine-tuning is required for special circumstances.

Jacque Robinson: I support an increase minimum wage in Pasadena with the appropriate levels of study and community outreach to business stakeholders, including small business, to ensure that it would be successful and not unduly burdensome on any one sector. There are cities we can look to as best practice that have already implemented a higher minimum wage and are still thriving. Across the board education is key. Some businesses are understandably alarmed at how it may impact their bottom line and I am committed to ensuring those concerns are inserted and studied and addressed as this may be considered.

Bill Thomson: Currently, Pasadena’s minimum wage ordinance is limited to employers that contract with the City of Pasadena. There is a movement in Pasadena to expand this to all employers in Pasadena, not only those contracting with the City, and over time increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour.  The issue that this raises is what is the role of government in this?  When this was discussed at a Livable Wage meeting at Madison School a few weeks ago, all candidates for Mayor, other than myself, said that they were in favor of this -- (one candidate was not at the forum, but since has stated support for this). There are many businesses in Pasadena, such as restaurant and small business owners, who are strongly opposed to this and very concerned about its impact on their businesses.  This is not appropriate action for Pasadena to take and will place us in a position where more businesses will re-locate to near-by cities such as Glendale and Arcadia.

Jason Hardin: I support creating the path towards a $15 per hour minimum wage, but I believe it should be done is steps.  I feel that we should first expand the current Livable Wage Ordinance of $12.50 per hour for city employees and contractors, and apply it to include all employees within city limits.  I admit that this may create challenges such as higher prices and in the retention of local businesses, but I believe these are challenges we can overcome through the use of “buy local” campaigns, higher consumer spending, and capitalizing in the global marketplace.  The idea may be scary for some, but we have to understand that progress is never found in our comfort zone!

9. Pasadena is a community known for innovation. How would you support entrepreneurship and the creative economy in Pasadena?

Don Morgan: One of the most important tools the mayor has is the ability to be the chief promoter of our great city. Pasadena residents do not have to look far to see the impact of good regional promotion. The efforts of Silicon Beach have attracted innovative minds and businesses to the westside in impressive numbers. A closer look shows that it is more than a catchy name. They have created a movement west for young people who want to be at the convergence of resources and ideas. As a result, those cities have generated new revenues that they may re-invest into their communities.

Pasadena has effectively made strides to do the same within our city boundaries with some amazing private efforts to develop space for entrepreneurs to interact. An open network of innovators has developed with the help of Meet Up and Innovate Pasadena. We have also started to better define the population of entrepreneurs we are trying to attract. Our promotion of Pasadena should be targeted to those who want to house their businesses here because they want to live here.

We can make that decision easier on businesses by promoting supportive policies, such as: supporting efforts to smooth zoning requirements that will make it easier to convert under-utilized industrial structures to house start-ups; securing and organizing investment to renovate warehouse and storage facilities in the south Arroyo Parkway, south Raymond and south Fair Oaks corridor; and calling upon the infrastructure built by decades of innovation coming out of Caltech, Jet Propulsion Lab, and Arts Center to attract those who want to be at the center of inspiring work.

Terry Tornek: My friend and supporter Andy Wilson has been doing a great job of making a real difference with Innovate Pasadena. City staff and Mayor Bogaard have been very supportive of those efforts. I would build on those efforts.

Jacque Robinson: I would look to the creative community to let me know how the city can be supportive and the types of initiatives they would like to pursue.  Building relationship is key to first understanding the issue and then moving on to formulate solutions.

Bill Thomson: As an Intellectual Property attorney, I have first-hand knowledge of innovation and what is required for a business to be successful.  I’ve represented companies that were founded based on technology from Caltech and other institutions to obtain the necessary patent protection for the business to survive and be successful.  I’ve also handled critical patent infringement litigation for such companies, and accordingly, I have a unique background and am well prepared to address these issues.  I will work with Innovate Pasadena, Caltech, Pasadena City College (which has a Small Business Development Center), and all of our innovative companies to insure that Pasadena is receptive to these companies and works  to keep them in our City. 

Jason Hardin: I would support local entrepreneurship and creativity by doing more of what I’ve already been doing.  First, I would support and host more community social events, conventions, and expos.  These events give valuable exposure and promotion to many local businesses, artists, and entrepreneurs.  It allows the community to know these entities exist so that they can continue to support them and follow their progress.  I am a firm believer in entrepreneurship and that anyone can learn how to turn their interests into income.  For this reason, I would be a strong advocate for Innovate Pasadena, as well as other organizations that educate, connect, and offer resources for anyone interested in innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and more.  I would also help raise funds for grants and scholarships to help young entrepreneurs start their businesses while still in school.  I believe it’s never too late or too early to go into business for yourself.  Creativity and imagination are valuable commodities that we must effectively tap into if we are to truly flourish both economically and socially as a city.

10. What else would you like the members of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce to know about you or your candidacy?

Don Morgan: I appreciate the opportunity to talk about the critical issues facing our community with your organization and I would be honored to bring the perspective of a businessperson and government reform leader to City Hall. I have worked for many years to build effective partnerships with the private and non-profit sectors to help government do more with existing resources. I know as the next mayor, I will be able to work closely with the Chamber to advance the shared goals of our City and help create more jobs and opportunity for our residents. Thank you for your time and I hope to earn your vote.

Terry Tornek: I have been walking the entire city, door-to-door for the past 16 months, listening to citizens. People love the City and have lots of ideas on how to make it even better. My qualifications, my current immersion in serving the City and willingness to listen equip me to do the job on their behalf. I hope that I can win your support.

Thanks to the Chamber for providing a forum to ask for that support!

Jacque Robinson: I have long been a friend to the business community and have governed in a way that is fair, impartial, and understanding of the delicate balance that we need to effectively have a thriving local economy. I value your contributions to making this city a leader in our region and I look forward to continuing to be your partner in that effort. Please call me anytime at 626.394.6857 or email  My website is

Bill Thomson: My wife and I raised our children in Pasadena and are firmly dedicated to its future and its success.  I’ve been privileged to work with its many constituents and have earned a record of trust and accomplishment.  Not only am I the only candidate who has served as Mayor, I am also the only candidate who is actively involved in public education, serving as an elected Trustee at Pasadena City College and President of the Pasadena Education Foundation.  To help the economy of Pasadena, I will continue working with the Pasadena Unified School District and Pasadena City College to make certain that every child in Pasadena receives the great education they deserve.  At Pasadena City College, we are working with PUSD and Cal State LA to provide for a smooth transition from high school to PCC and on to Cal State LA upon completing the requirements at PCC to transfer.

Jason Hardin: I want you to know that I am the epitome of all the opportunities this great city of Pasadena has to offer.  Growing up in such harsh conditions as a child, I would have never pictured doing the wonderful things I do now while being able to give back to my community in such a meaningful way.  This wonderful city combined with my passion for business, has allowed me to develop into the confident and effective businessman I am today, and I want to share that inspiration with everyone.  Perhaps the most effective part of my entire candidacy, is the hope I’ve given others and the belief that one can achieve absolutely anything thay put their mind to.


You can find out more about each candidate on their websites. There are also a number of candidate forums this moh=nth where you can hear these candidates discuss the issues of concern to Pasadena.

Voting in the primary election is on March 10th. Please exercise your right to vote.