Pasadena Chamber, JPL, City of Pasadena hosted Small Business Opportunity Fair at Pasadena Convention Center

Small businesses, many of them Pasadena Chamber members, took advantage of the opportunity to meet large companies and potential customers at the Pasadena Convention Center on April 2nd.

Organized with Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the City of Pasadena Finance Department, the fair brought large businesses to the center to meet potential vendors and business partners from the local community. Pasadena Chamber members, including Honeybee Robotics and Wells Fargo, joined JPL contractors and public agencies for meet and greets, business matchmaking sessions and informational seminars.

Pasadena City Council Member Tyron Hampton, Jr., greeted attendees along with JPL senior leadership.

JPL at the Small Business Opportunity Fair
JPL organized the 2019 Small Business Opportunity Fair
Honeybee Robotics at Small Business Opportunity Fair
Pasadena Chamber member Honeybee Robotics sought vendors at the Smal Business Opportunity Fair.
Business matchmaking at the Small Business Opportunity Fair
Large companies took part in business matchmaking with potential vendors.







NASA at the Small Business Opportunity Fair
NASA was at the Small Business Opportunitiy Fair looking for vendors for everything from office machines and supplies to printers.