Pasadena Chamber Board Chair one of several role models who greet returning students

Pasadena Chamber Board Chair Ishmael Trone was one of several role models welcoming students back to Pasadena Unified School District this year.

Here is a report:

On Monday we shocked the world,

Across Altadena and Pasadena, the community felt our love and commitment to help the young people of our community achieve greatness. Thank you to each of the 110 men who gathered at Altadena Elementary, John Muir High School, Cleveland Elementary , and McKinley. Because of the time each of you gave students returned to school with a newfound confidence in themselves. Words will never be able to express the gratitude the students and community have for you, simply for showing up where so many do not. To view the full gallery of from the event click here. For video click here

Aug156teen would not have been possible without the help of so many, it is important that we take the time to recognize a few key individuals who

went above and beyond the call of duty to help pull this off. Dr. Cynthia Olivo of Pasadena City College, Superintendent Brian McDonald, Police Chief Phillip Sanchez, Fire Chief Bertral Washington, Council Member Tyron Hampton,Rodney Wallace, Kim Rhodes, Jackie Snell, Marcia Talbert, Regina Major, Walter Buchanan & Scott Holland of the Black App, Yemi Kuku of Hard 6 Media, Nicole Ford, Gary Moody, Ishmael Trone Pastor Tyrone Skinner, Pastor Larry Campbell, The Men of First AME, The Pasadena Department of Water and Power, The Pasadena NAACP, The Altadena NAACP, The Eta Pi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, The Principals and Staff of Altadena, McKinley, John Muir, and Cleveland, Beverly Bogar, Cushon Bell, Cheynne Chong, Malcolm Johnson,James Farr, The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, Ideal Youth, The Pasadena Black Pages, Pasadena NOW, Steven Syms, Shauna Ursery, and so many more. Thank you to everyone who participated in making this event a success.

Our community needs us and in the coming months, there are several opportunities to give back. On Saturday, September 24, 2016, Please us at Pasadena City College for the African American Young Men's Conference from 8 am-2pm. On Saturday, September 24, 2016, the women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Pasadena Graduate Chapter will be hosting their annual Health Fair at the Jackie Robinson Community Center from 9am-2pm. On September 28, 2016, Pasadena City College will host a Convening on Boys and Men of Color to document all services for boys and men of color in our region, sessions will be held at 4pm and 6 pm. If you are looking for opportunities to mentor or other ways to get involved in our community please do not hesitate to contact me for more information. Again Thank you for your commitment to our city and I look forward to seeing all of you again soon.