Moscow Ballet sponsors Connection Breakfast August 8th

Connection Breakfast August 8th sponsored by Moscow Ballet

Join us to network and enjoy breakfast with fellow Chamber members at our monthly Connection Breakfast on August 8th as Andy Duguay of Moscow Ballet hosts our monthly Connection Breakfast networking event. Hear about the upcoming performances of The Nutcracker in Pasadena and how the local dance community can be involved as you find contacts and collaborators, enjoy beakfast with fellow Chamber members and businesses at the Women's City Club at 160 North Oakland Avenue in Pasadena.

Breakfast begins at 7am.

Cost is $30 for Chamber members and their guests / $35 for non-menbers. Those reserving after 5pm on the Monday preceding the event pay $5 more.

You can click here to register and pay:

You can also RSVP and reserve by emailing Kelly at or bycalling 626-795-3355.