Last chance to sign up to connect your small business with large businesses that want to work with you - Chamber joins JPL, City of Pasadena for Industry Day on March 7th

Pasadena Chamber JPL/NASA and the City of Pasadena host the Women Owned Business Industry Day and ACCESS: Opportunity Small Business Procurement ForumMarch 7, 2017 at the Pasadena Convention Center

Time: Registration Opens at 07:00 am. You must pregeister.

The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the City of Pasadena to host a procurement event and discussion for our large and small business members who may want to do business together. The Industry Day procurement event is on March 7th at 8:00am at the Pasadena Convention Center at 300 East Green Street in Pasadena. Representatives of large Chamber member companies will discuss how local small businesses can provide products and services to those large customers. In addition, contractors and subcontractors of JPL will be there as will representatives of the City of Pasadena. Women, minority and veteran-owned businesses are encouraged to attend.

The presentations begin at 8am with business networking opportunities immediately following. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Parsons and Caltech will be among those available to meet one-on-one with prospective vendors. Women business owners, disabled and other veteran business owners are encouraged to attend.

The Procurement Forum is free to Pasadena Chamber members, but you must register in advance through EventBrite. You can find a link online at then click on the link under the Events tab. (Or simply click here.) Large companies that want to be exhibitors can sign up there as well. There is no charge to exhibit or attend the Industry Day procurement forum. 

There will be opportunities to: Network with the large Pasadena Chamber member companies, the City of Pasadena, JPL Large Business Primes and NASA Centers. Matchmaking will be available with the City of Pasadena, Pasadena Chamber members and NASA Centers

Any questions, feel free to contact the JPL Small Business Programs Office at or