JPL Supplier Fair is Tuesday, May 10th - small business exhibitors wanted


Small Business Exhibitors Wanted

20th Annual JPL Supplier Fair

Tuesday- May 10, 2016  |  Exhibit Hours: 9AM-1PM

On the Mall @ JPL - PASADENA, CA



The 20th Annual JPL Supplier Fair will provide a forum for small business exhibitors to showcase how their products and services could benefit current and future NASA-JPL missions, research and development programs, and institutional support and operational efforts.

More than forty small business will be selected, on a competitive basis, to participate as an exhibitor. To be considered for selection, please download the 2016 JPL Supplier Fair Application at There is no fee to exhibit or participate in this event.



A Small Business should submit a completed exhibitor application to:

The deadline for submitting the application is  Monday, April 4, 2016. Small businesses selected to be exhibitors will be notified by Monday, April 18, 2016.

JPL and Large Businesses will be on hand to network with exhibitors and discuss potential contracting and teaming opportunities. Large businesses can participate in the event by completing the Non-Exhibitor Form at

A Large Business should submit a completed non-exhibitor form to:





Important Notes:  As this event is on NASA/JPL property, a badge will be required.  

Small Businesses:

If you are a Small Business and are selected to exhibit and you do not have a NASA badge, please email the on how to access the lab.

Large Businesses:

If you are a large business that would like to participate, and have completed the non-exhibitor form,  and you do not have a NASA badge, please email the for directions on how to access the lab.