Homelessness in Pasadena panel discussion June 12th

Housing Advisory Roundtable Discussion

Topic:         Homelessness in Pasadena

Panelists:    Anne Lansing, Pasadena Housing and Career Services Dept.

Gregg von Fempe, Union Station

Shawn Morrissey, Housing Works

Elgin Lee, HOPE Team

Will Rivera, Pasadena City Prosecutor

Erlinda Romo, Playhouse BID

William Huang, Pasadena Housing and Career Services Dept.

Date:           June 12, 2014, 4 pm – 6:00 pm

Location:    Renaissance Plaza Community Room

                   649 N. Fair Oaks Ave., 2nd Floor, Pasadena 91103

(Second floor of the Von’s shopping center at Fair Oaks and Orange Grove)

Cost:           Free and open to the public

Homelessness in Pasadena is a longstanding complex issue.  Come find out what the City, nonprofits, faith-based and business organizations are doing to address it.  Remarkable programs are achieving great results, but too many still live on the streets.  Dramatic funding cutbacks have made solutions harder than ever to come by.  Hear a panel of experts discuss what is being done and what might be done in the future to address homelessness.  Please bring your ideas and questions.