Help Pasadena Water and Power plan for the future - here's your chance to have an impact on future utility costs - take the brief survey - community meeting is July 16th

Help PWP Plan for the Future

irpIn the next few months, PWP will begin the process of updating its Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which is a long-range blueprint for supplying reliable and environmentally responsible electricity at competitive rates. PWP welcomes and values your input to this important process.

PWP updates its Power IRP every few years and has made significant progress toward the goals established in previous Power IRPs. The 2018 Power IRP is now mandated by law and will include many specific requirements.

As part of the process, PWP will analyze options for electrification, distributed energy resources, renewable resource procurement, and reliability concerns.

Finding a balance between reliability, stability, cost and environmental stewardship

PWP will consider supply portfolios with a variety of resources including traditional resources, renewables, battery storage, the impact of transportation electrification, etc.  In addition, the Power IRP takes into account several community priorities:

  • Reliability – Ensure that PWP meets the compliance requirements of the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and to prevent any system blackouts.
  • Cost – Ensure that PWP provides quality service at a reasonable cost, which is comparable to neighboring utilities.
  • Stability – Ensure the system is stable and diverse. This includes the mix of resources PWP must procure to provide consistent, stable electricity.
  • Environmental Stewardship – Ensure PWP takes into consideration every viable alternative to fossil fuels before signing any long term contracts. 

PWP will provide opportunities for the community to participate in the Power IRP planning process over the next few months. Your feedback is important to us. Visit our Power IRP page for project updates, upcoming meeting information, and to give us your input by taking quick survey


Pasadena Water and Power (PWP) is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and its reliance on fossil fuels by including more renewable energy sources into its power portfolio.

PWP recently began the process to update its 2018 Power Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which is a long-range blueprint for Pasadena’s sustainable future. PWP has made significant strides toward the goals established in previous IRPs. The 2018 Power IRP is now mandated by law and includes specific requirements Pasadena must address. Community input is important and there will be a variety of opportunities to engage in the development process.

Please join us for an IRP community meeting on:

Wednesday, July 18, from 6pm to 8pm at Pasadena Central Library – Donald Wright Auditorium

285 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91101


To give us your input on PWP’s renewable future, visit