Final Call to Target New Residents with ChamberMail monthly postcard mailing

New Homeowner Program Captures New Residents As Your New Customers

Request made to Chamber Members  on behalf of  the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce


Exciting Marketing Opportunity
Pasadena ChamberMail

New Homeowners are here...let them know you are, too!




The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce -- in partnership with Chamber Member Services -- is offering a 3rd edition of Pasadena ChamberMail, a new homeowner marketing program designed to help Pasadena Chamber Members, who sell products and services to area residents, reach those who just purchased new homes. If your business targets local area residents as potential customers, then this program is for you!

Are you available... speak with one of our sales representatives Cathy Jones -- 5-10 minutes tops -- regarding your participation in the launch of the Pasadena ChamberMail New Resident Marketing Program? No meetings required -- just your time on the phone. 
ChamberMail Grows Your Business in 3 Ways:
Direct Mail
Your ad in 12-monthly mailers from the chamber to new residents. See Sample Edition
Online Advertising
Your interactive ad posted on the chamber's website. Link ad to your website or email.
Monthly New Resident Database
Every month, new resident data for your marketing follow up.  List & Labels


Call 1-800-824-6858
Schedule a time by calling the number above, or by replying to this email.
Program Details: Ad Sizes, Prices, Samples

Call 1-800-824-6858 and ask for Cathy
or click below to email us!


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